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Mormon Channel 7.0

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2018 12:24 pm
by sbradshaw
Mormon Channel 7.0 is now available for Android and iOS. The updated app has a new, more modern design, which will hopefully make the app easier to use. It also has more reliable video streaming, just in time for general conference.

For the curious – the Mormon Channel product managers and the mobile apps team are aware of the recent statement from President Nelson about using the correct name of the Church. There are committees on a high level analyzing all of the Church products and websites as a whole, to decide what changes are needed, then to coordinate any necessary branding, copyright/trademark registration, search engine optimization, and namespace changes in an organized way. I don't know what that will mean for Mormon Channel, if anything, but the mobile apps team has been asked to continue using the name "Mormon Channel" for the app until an updated strategy for product branding is in place.

Re: Mormon Channel 7.0

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:19 pm
by RyanGard1977
How about the LDS Radio Network