Is anything working on study content pages for you?

Discussions about the Notes and Journal tool on This includes the Study Toolbar as well as the scriptures and other content on that is integrated with Notes and Journal.
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Re: Is anything working on study content pages for you?


Post by mevans »

DanniCole wrote: Sun Oct 30, 2022 3:05 pm I am very frustrated. I was able to take notes on the PC at one time, years ago. I haven't taken notes since because I can't save them to my account. I am 64 years old. I have tables and a cellphone, but they are useless to me for taking notes. I am one of the 10% who have great troubles with voice recognition. I really wish I could take notes in the website as I used to do. I am rather lost without this ability. President Nelson told us we should take notes. Well, if I take them and put them on my hard drive, they are very likely to disappear. This is an intermittent problem with some of us Windows 10 users, though a rare one. So, I don't take notes or do a journal. As I get older many things get harder for me. I can't study my Scriptures on the Website because I can't swipe or use those touch gestures. I continually have glitches when I do my Tuesday Singles Zoom meeting where we study the previous Sunday School lesson and my iPad gets stuck. I really wish the Church would remember us old folks who are more comfortable with the large screen on the PC rather than the tiny one on phone or tablet. It is very unfair to disabled folks like me.
While there various bugs and usability issues in taking notes with the web-based Gospel Library, it is very doable (usually). I, too, prefer the large screen for study. I don't need swipe or gestures to use the website Gospel Library. I use a mouse and keyboard. I'm curious about the problems you are experiencing in trying to use the web-based Gospel Library for study. I've been studying online for many years. I am probably accustomed to some of the quirks required to use it successfully and it's possible that could be tripping up someone like you who is not familiar with the problems.

For starters, when taking notes, always use a private/incognito browsing window. You will likely encounter many frustrations if you don't. And there will be days where the study tools suddenly no longer work, and could be broken for days. It requires patience when this happens.

Maybe if we understand the problems you are facing we can help you be more successful in your gospel study.
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