Ward Library Materials Database

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Ward Library Materials Database


Post by KGBurton »

Our ward librarian was just released. She and her husband have spent countless hours building an Access database of the library materials (photos, lesson pictures, manuals, etc) so they could publish a pdf into a binder so that members could look through the binder to find what they need and make it easy for the librarian to find it for them. The pdf is made available for smartphones to search and view at home.

I would hate for the work they have been done to get lost or become obsolete because the new librarian won't be able to keep it current.

They are willing to contribute the database or a CSV dump of it to the Church. Ideally, IMHO, this could be maintained and enhanced as an open source project and be made available for download as a pdf and online access as a database.

I am willing to help with the project as well.

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Re: Ward Library Materials Database


Post by sbradshaw »

Some sort of inventory system that a ward or stake could use would be very useful. It could tie in with Store.LDS.org and/or the Gospel Library content catalog to have a complete database of possible items... Such a system would also be useful in a mission (maybe something like this is already used?), where they stock up on pamphlets, cards, and copies of the Book of Mormon and need to keep track of how many they have left and how many missionaries in different areas are requesting.
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Re: Ward Library Materials Database


Post by drepouille »

Microsoft Access is not the easiest database application to use, especially if the database uses multiple tables, queries, reports, and forms, not to mention macros and modules. If the database contains multiple tables, each table would produce a separate CSV file.
Spreadsheets are about as complicated as a typical user can manage. I would not use a relational database application for a calling that requires no computer skills. In either case, I would use a free application, such as can be found in LibreOffice.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Ward Library Materials Database


Post by clemons91 »

KGBurton do you still have access to this database? I would love to get it if possible.
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Re: Ward Library Materials Database


Post by jadamstillery »

I was just called as the ward librarian. After reading all the comments I am ready to resign. We have not had a librarian in our tri ward building for years. It needs lots of improvement.
I can't find anything about what a library should have in it. We have a few large pictures (which our primary classes need because they have large classes with few teachers). We need DVD's and working televisions .
I need to know what the church has for libraries and get ours up to date. I can't find any material database to order from.
Jo Tillery New Haven Ward Tulsa, OK
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Re: Ward Library Materials Database


Post by rmrichesjr »

You might check with the stake Sunday School presidency. Not many years ago, they were put over managing materials for meetinghouse libraries. However, that might have changed.
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Re: Ward Library Materials Database


Post by davesudweeks »

jadamstillery wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:00 pm I was just called as the ward librarian. After reading all the comments I am ready to resign. We have not had a librarian in our tri ward building for years. It needs lots of improvement.
I can't find anything about what a library should have in it. We have a few large pictures (which our primary classes need because they have large classes with few teachers). We need DVD's and working televisions .
I need to know what the church has for libraries and get ours up to date. I can't find any material database to order from.
Jo Tillery New Haven Ward Tulsa, OK
Hi Sister Tillery, I hope you are doing well. I recommend you start on this page: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/cal ... r?lang=eng which has quite a bit of information on the Media center (including a list of materials that should be in the media center). The ward Sunday School presidency is responsible for the media center and should order replacements for anything missing from the list that you feel is needed. For TVs, etc. that were provided by the FM group, the Sunday School president or a member of the bishopric should be able to submit an FIR to get them repaired/replaced. Any hardware that was purchased by the local wards from their budget funds would be their responsibility to manage.

Give our love to Tulsa area members who remember us, Dave & Bobette Sudweeks
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Re: Ward Library Materials Database


Post by BrianEdwards »

We need DVD's and working televisions
If your ward has called a Technology Specialist, you could likely coordinate that part of your calling with the specialist. Especially if you aren't as tech-savvy as others (we all know that feeling), it's a great thing to have somebody that can help lead the effort to determine what specifically your ward needs regarding technology (like tv's, dvd's, streaming capabilities, cable connectors, etc).
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