
Discussions around meetinghouse sound systems, microphones, assisted listening devices, and translation equipment
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Post by juddwhetten »

Has anyone heard of ListenWiFI? Apparently you can plug a server into the output of the PA system and connect the output of that server into the meetinghouse internet system (the Liahona). Users with a Listen Technologies app on their cell phone can use the app to transmit the sound into their hearing aid or earbuds using Bluetooth and hear the meeting loud and clear. It sounds like a major blessing to us who are hearing impaired. I am looking for more information to pass along to the stake technology specialist and FM group.
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Re: ListenWiFi


Post by russellhltn »

I think I've heard of something like that in the works. I'd ask FM to check with their sources to see if they can get it.

The church has been buying receivers from Listen Technologies, so they're a known vendor.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: ListenWiFi


Post by jbejar »

I think the official supported solution is to use a Listen headset, and then use a loop that enables the wearer to turn on the t-coil system. See ... ut_web.pdf
the picture on the right shows the t-coil loop. You can also plug in a headphone to the loop but it is not required if you have hearing aids that support t-coil.
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