I like to suggest an implementation, If it's possible, to FamilySearch engineers.
I'd like to have the ability to merge living persons if the person is a baptized Latter-day Saint with a Church's MRN number or see and change data from living and death Church members in my own family line.
Please, see my situation to better understand. My father, I'm and my twin brother have New FamilySearch accounts. All the three manage our family history data. Since, if an uncle who aren't LDS passes away, for example, we can understand we have to add informations of the death in all the three accounts and after merge these duplications in only one person. But death persons who are not members of the Church don't have living temple ordinances.
Now, see that: my mother is deceased since December 2007. My father, our stake patriarch, of course is sealed to my mother, but any information appears in his records about your own ordinances, including my mother sealing, because he is live. The same is for my mother sealing records, because she is sealed to a living person.
Another thing: my father have three distinct records at the system, one in his own New FamilySearch account, other in mine account and a thirth in my brother account. The same is for me and my brother, who are Church members with access to the system. A day, when we will passing away (we hope in a far way future only), we will need another individual to merge our own informations and verify if our ordinances are correctly recorded, like exported from Church records of Member and Statistical Records Division.
Any way to be able to manage our own data and merge our own records when the system can see a Church record number added to the person ID of Church members at new FamilySearch? Or can we see our own ordinances and our sealings to death persons in our records and in records of deceased family members?
If I can make you understand, my sugestion is to submit to Family History Department engineers a sugestion to add, in near future, a way to give to baptized Latter-day Saints the opportunity to better handle his/her own records as Church members and your records with another Latter-day Saints relatives, live or dead.
I can't use a better English because of my language limitations, but I hope you can understand me. With this implementation, I, my twin brother and my father, who are members of the Church, can merge our own data in only one record each at NFS, with no need to merge that after our death. We will be able to see my father and mother sealings, for exemple, and my father, my brother and my own living ordinances.
To do this, of course, will be necessary to add another line in all the NFS databank records, to verify if the person is a Church member or not. But I believe it will give us more control in our data, since I can't see a problem LDS people see LDS informations at NFS.
I hope I made you understand. Comments?
See Living Ordinances data at New Familysearch
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Living Ordinances
Ditto. I have similar issues with my children and seeing the work they've done.