Recording Contacts to Unassigned Sisters

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Re: Recording Contacts to Unassigned Sisters

Post by mstauff »

The bottom numbers are calculated around the beginning of the month. Currently, they don't change throughout the month. If you make a bunch of changes in the middle of the month you won't see those changes reflected (in the bottom number) until the next month. Some people would agree with the methodology, some may prefer that it update throughout the month as changes are made, but that's what it currently is right now.
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Re: Recording Contacts to Unassigned Sisters

Post by harriss12 »

Since it kicks down the overall percentage, I would be one who thinks it should change throughout the month as you change things to accurately reflect what is going on, not be some number created 30 days prior. And can you tell me PLEASE, who are these people? Now I have 0/3 for November, with again "Sisters Not Assigned to be Contacted" as zero. WHO are these 3? I don't understand the use of this category even, maybe I'd better research that too. My new move-ins are assigned, where does this number come from? Please.
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Re: Recording Contacts to Unassigned Sisters

Post by sarahdelange »

I was just called as a visiting teaching coordinator and my predecessor gave me a list of sisters not assigned to be contacted that included addresses. My RS President wants a cleaned up version of the lists, but when I go to print the sisters not assigned to be contacted, it only shows names. How do I print a list with addresses?
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Re: Recording Contacts to Unassigned Sisters

Post by Countryman »

Is there a way to allow sisters/visiting teachers the ability to access the sisters they teach and record visits; same as district supervisors can do? This way the district supervisor can open the program and see who as already reported visits and who she needs to contact. If a sister need to report needs, she of course would have to call to do that. I tried adding teachers to callings but it didn't allow them to access the VT report for the sisters they teach. I hope I have explained this well, if you need additional explanation, please let me know.
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Re: Recording Contacts to Unassigned Sisters

Post by russellhltn »

Countryman wrote:Is there a way to allow sisters/visiting teachers the ability to access the sisters they teach and record visits; same as district supervisors can do?
No. And from what we've heard, that's not coming any time soon - possibly never.

The best guess as to why is that HT/VT is much more than just an assignment and a check box. To fulfill the vision outlined in the Handbook, there there may be things that need to be communicated that needs to happen person-to-person and not recorded where it could be misconstrued.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.

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