Bret Bassett is a Church employee. The document is expected to be emailed soon to all Technology Specialists. You may share it widely.shh24 wrote:Thank you for posting this information. What is the source of this document, and is it appropriate for distribution to stake presidencies and other Church leaders?bretbassett wrote:Please find attached a summary of some of the principles to be considered when broadcasting sacrament meetings or other virtual church meetings.
Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
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Re: Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
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Re: Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
This article, and all the articles I have posted in the "Non-Interactive Webcast", and the "Interactive Virtual Meeting" sections have come from members of the Meetinghouse Technologies Team in ICS at church headquarters. These articles have not official documents of the church (they have not been run through Correlation) but they are designed to get information out quickly, and then let STS support each other with questions and answers. Yes this document is free to share with others. But note, that a letter is coming from the Presiding Bishopric which will cover most of this same information, and your Stake President will get it from them.
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Re: Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
I wonder how you are using YouTube in the church building. I was under the assumption that FaceBook and YouTube use was blocked in the Wi-Fi. I have configured for this weekend for our Sunday Worship Service to use the Zoom Pro ($14.98/moth with the $40/month Webinar add-on. That way it is able to be set to one-way broadcast from the chapel with no possible way for the viewers to turn on their cameras or audio. They also do not pop up on the screen at all so only the service is seen remotely.
Brother Gary Zabriskie
Technology Specialist
Santa Clara Utah Heights Stake
Technology Specialist
Santa Clara Utah Heights Stake
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Re: Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
It might depend on the filter level that (under the direction of your stake president) your firewall has been set to, but under the most relaxed setting, YouTube has been available at meetinghouses since before this Covid thing got loose. It's a free and very stable platform that I've used many times for stake conferences and other non-church events.garyoranzabriskie wrote:I wonder how you are using YouTube in the church building. I was under the assumption that FaceBook and YouTube use was blocked in the Wi-Fi.
So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
You can find the official letter on the letters site of the Church. It requires logging in with your Church account.
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Re: Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
where can we find the instructions for a new bishop to get access to GSuITe=The link- at shows "Forbidden"
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Re: Church Guidelines for Virtual Meeting Technologies
Two things. First - how long has it been since the calling has been recorded? It can take a couple of days after the calling is recorded in LCR before permissions propagate to and through all systems.
Second - the URL you provided has a miss-key. It should be (There is an 'o' where there should be a 'u'.)
You can find instructions and information in the Virtual Meetings section of the MH-Virtual Meeting Wiki Page for additional self-support on broadcasting your conference/Sacrament Meeting:
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?