Gospel Living' app circles

Any discussions around the Gospel Living App on various mobile devices.
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by ChaseeGrae »

How do I sign into circles on my Chromebook?
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by russellhltn »

ChaseeGrae wrote:How do I sign into circles on my Chromebook?
At this point, it's strictly a Android/iOS app. It's not available via a browser.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by sbradshaw »

ChaseeGrae wrote:How do I sign into circles on my Chromebook?
Does your Chromebook have the Play Store? If so, you may be able to install the Android version of Gospel Living.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by norlando319 »

I like the Gospel Living app, and I like the Circles utility for communication! Thank you to the Tech team for putting this together! Reading back in the forums, I see the ability to create custom circles is not in the app, and it's been suggested people either 1) Ask their Bishop to escalate this request and/or 2) Add Feedback to the app. That's good, and I will follow those suggestions. I'm just curious about a few things... In the Sunday School organization, a circle of teachers seems to be a natural grouping, as well as the individual circles for each course. It would facilitate communication for things like Teacher Council, etc. Is this is on the roadmap, as far as anyone knows? Also, I have been having issues recently with the app, where I will make a post to circles, and it will not take the post, or where a single entry gets duplicated two or three times. Has anyone else experienced this, and does anyone know why it's happening? Finally, sometimes when I open a particular circle (Adults, for example, or Course 11 in the Sunday School groups), I will see no number next to the "members" icon, and will be unable to send a post to the circle. It occurs to me that seeing no member number kind of indicates I am not completely connected to the circles app, so that would explain why I can't make a post. Has anyone else had THIS experience, and does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it?
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by baldwiew »

There is not a group / circle for the Stake Audit Committee. Please will you add this else how am I able to add create this group myself. GREAT APP SO FAR!
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by jdlessley »

baldwiew wrote:There is not a group / circle for the Stake Audit Committee. Please will you add this else how am I able to add create this group myself. GREAT APP SO FAR!
The ability to create groups has not been implemented yet. Use the in app feedback found in the Profile menu item to send your suggestion to those who can consider it. The forum is user-to-user help and support and there is nothing we can do to help with this.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by davesudweeks »

utrider wrote:Is there a way to access circles via an internet browser? I have a member of my Quorum presidency who does not have a smart phone and so the tool is basically useless to us as a means of communication
If you will read a few posts before yours, you will see that it was reported back in Oct 2020 that there is no browser version at that time. I believe that is still the case today. I don't think anyone on the forum knows for certain if a browser version is planned or if it is on the schedule for programming. Many have requested it and if you want to add your voice, you can provide feedback from within the app or from the feedback link at the bottom of the church web pages. I'm sure the challenge of lack of access to the app for some is not lost on our church leaders, but it wouldn't hurt to provide your "business case" for the need in your feedback.

In your situation, communication may have to occur in other ways than exclusively within the Gospel Living app until a better solution comes along. But that's just my opinion.
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by fairladyorchid »

I was just called as Young Women’s President of our new ward and wanted to implement the living app for our program. The problem is that the Young Women’s circle does not come up for me. I have checked the membership app, and I am listed as the YW President. I thought these were supposed to automatically generate. Any clue how long that takes for those that have been sustained since the app was created?
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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by russellhltn »

Some rights take as long as 24 hours from the time the calling is recorded until they're effective. I'm not sure what the time is for Circles.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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Re: Gospel Living' app circles

Post by hansenfam »

I would love to be able to add a circle. I am the stake camp director and it would be nice to have a way to contact all the YCL's and ward camp directors. Please, please, please

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