export households from ward directory?

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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by bballrob »

When someone earlier mentioned that it may be there based on your calling, I had my son try. He is a Sunday school teacher. He does not have that ability.
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by jdlessley »

bballrob wrote:He is a Sunday school teacher. He does not have that ability.
That calling would not be one of the callings referred to. The callings that would have the ability would be leadership, such as the bishopric, clerk, assistant clerk, and assistant clerk - membership. It is possible that members of the ward council may have download capabilities but I have not been able to verify that yet.
JD Lessley
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by bballrob »

jdlessley wrote:
bballrob wrote:He is a Sunday school teacher. He does not have that ability.
That calling would not be one of the callings referred to.
Which is what I suspected. I just wanted to verify.
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by kd7mha »

I can confirm that the RS president does NOT have "Export Households"
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by rick62649 »

It has never been just for callings , it's always been for members.
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by eblood66 »

rick62649 wrote:It has never been just for callings , it's always been for members.
The export used to be generally available to all members of the ward but it was restricted to just certain callings some time ago. I can't remember exactly when but I think it was over a year ago. Given that all other exports have been removed completely I wouldn't be surprised if this one goes away as well when the Directory is updated again.
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by mevans »

eblood66 wrote: The export used to be generally available to all members of the ward but it was restricted to just certain callings some time ago. I can't remember exactly when but I think it was over a year ago. Given that all other exports have been removed completely I wouldn't be surprised if this one goes away as well when the Directory is updated again.
I sure hope they don't take away that export for clerks. There are things we can't do with LCR. One of the other clerks in our ward routinely saves a bunch of CSV exports from MLS before he does a send/receive so he has data just in case they remove another feature that he needs. Then he has something to hold him over until he can figure out some other way of doing what he used to do.
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by sbradshaw »

mevans wrote:
eblood66 wrote: The export used to be generally available to all members of the ward but it was restricted to just certain callings some time ago. I can't remember exactly when but I think it was over a year ago. Given that all other exports have been removed completely I wouldn't be surprised if this one goes away as well when the Directory is updated again.
I sure hope they don't take away that export for clerks. There are things we can't do with LCR. One of the other clerks in our ward routinely saves a bunch of CSV exports from MLS before he does a send/receive so he has data just in case they remove another feature that he needs. Then he has something to hold him over until he can figure out some other way of doing what he used to do.
I hope he's sending feedback to Leader and Clerk Resources if there are specific reports he needs, because he won't be able to keep that process going much longer...
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by LarryLRoberts »

Why would you want to remove it---unless you move and then the ward clerk will send it to a new address----thus removing it from ward directory
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Re: export households from ward directory?

Post by Jeffobryant »

Does LCR have an exporting feature? My calling is High Councilor so I'm not sure if I have permissions for this. I'd like to export the stake directory, preferably with callings as one of the fields in the export. Thank you!

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