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Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:27 am
by maryjcarson2008
Windows 8 intrigues me. But I think I am going to stick it up with my iPad. Works for me.

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:46 pm
by luiscabrera
Any word on when we will be able to use the Win8 app in Spanish?

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:25 pm
by jaycenornin
For all of those who are following this thread, there is an LDS Music project for Win8 now available for everyone to support. I've been digging through the Google groups posts for that project and I lifted this quotation which answers a lot of questions that we all have:
:name removed for privacy:
Oct 27

Gospel Library for Windows 8 was published officially by the church. It is currently being moved to the community to further the work of development on it. It should be available shortly for others to contribute to. I have already moved it to a TFS GIT repository on I have migrated it to Windows 8.1 (still need more work there).

As for LDS Tools, there isn’t a Windows 8 project for it yet. I imagine we will try to do that one after we get Gospel Library up to feature parity with the other platforms.

Windows Phone versions of LDS Tools and Gospel Library are also official Church applications. They are getting a little dated, as they were originally published for 7.5 and aren’t really Windows Phone 8 apps. They need to be upgraded to take advantage of the speed improvements of the platform. Again, that project was once a community project but has been archived. I believe we will move it out of archive for the community to work on after we finish the other work above.

I hope that helps shed light on our projects somewhat.

Oh, about me. I do work for the Church, but not in the mobile apps department. I work in a department called EUP (End User Productivity). Like you, I am a volunteer working on these projects in what little spare time I have. I’m excited to be a part of this and excited for all the great people willing to donate and volunteer their time to a worthy cause.

I guess our people on the "inside" at LDS Tech are too busy working on their respective projects to pay attention to these forums. But this tells me that there is progress going on behind the curtain, even if it is slower than we would like.

I recommend that as many of us as possible join the existing LDS Music project in order to 1) speed development of the one open project for the Windows platform that we have and 2) to demonstrate our commitment to promoting and supporting the various LDS apps on this platform.

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:04 am
by jkentner
@ jaycenornin, just what we didn't want to hear! Thanks for posting that though.

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:35 pm
by jaycenornin
jkentner wrote:@ jaycenornin, just what we didn't want to hear! Thanks for posting that though.
I'm confused... to me it's good news, there's a project we can contribute to now! And an explanation for what's going on with the other apps we've been asking about. I thought we all just got what we were asking for.

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 5:12 am
by jkentner
I guess that is a better way to look at it! Cup half full, not half empty. Good point...

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 8:54 am
by jeffbarge
So, what needs to happen for the Windows Phone Gospel Library to be re-activated? It seems there is no shortage of developers willing to work on it (myself included). The entire situation is rather embarrassing.

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 10:40 am
by FetteJK
I for one am grateful for this tidbit of information, I only regret I don't have any programming skills to offer but I can type if that would help. I appreciate any effort that's been made thus far... Regards Ken

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 5:29 pm
by msheets
This will probably be of great interest to everyone on this list. It is currently publically available, so I'm assuming that it is okay to share: It looks as though a new version of both Windows and Windows Phone Gospel Library is on its way!

Re: Any efforts for Windows 8 applications?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:22 pm
by VisionCloud
Thanks for the info about the broadcast. I use windows phone 8 and Windows 8.1 on a surface and can't wait until the church closes the gap between iOS and windows applications.