Study Notebook Export

Discussions about the Notes and Journal tool on This includes the Study Toolbar as well as the scriptures and other content on that is integrated with Notes and Journal.
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Re: Study Notebook Export

Post by mstauff »

exporting from within the notes webapp is still not working for me (creates an empty CSV file), so YMMV. I don't have the windows Gospel Library app to try it with.
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Re: Study Notebook Export

Post by tvsnow »

My export is still not working. To clarify, I am going to this web page: and clicking the "export my notes" icon in the upper right. I do not get an error, just a nearly-empty csv file (containing links to the sources I highlighted in, but none of the actual text of what I highlighted within those sources).
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Re: Study Notebook Export

Post by bpurser »

I don't know much about the export format but when I look at my export it does contain the notes for each of the verses where I have made a note for myself as well as a link to the passage associated with my note.
I maybe wrong, but I believe the fourth section of each line (labeled "source location") should contain enough info to recreate the underlined passage.

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