Changes to Webcast buffering times

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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by pitchkev »

I see the spot in scheduling to add an encoder but i dont know how to change my encoder.
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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by russellhltn »

pitchkev wrote:I see the spot in scheduling to add an encoder but i dont know how to change my encoder.
In the scheduling, you can select the encoder (encoder URL). In the main page, in the upper right corner, there's a "Encoder URLs" button that allows you to set up encoders.

However, I don't know if that works with the Mevo. The main thing is to make sure the scheduled events are not selecting the same "named" encoder.

For some reason, I'm only seeing "default" selection - not anything that is clearly labeled as "none".

You might try creating a dummy encoder so you have encoder selection options.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by pitchkev »

I was able to create separate URL's for each ward and the conflicts are gone.
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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by studerje »

kaaloa wrote:
russellhltn wrote:
shawndowler wrote:so I don't expect to be touching the Webcast much anymore if at all going forward.
I'm not sure if you handle stake conferences, but Zoom's limit of 500 connections is likely to be a deal killer for that. Webcast was originally intended for stake conferences. It will likely continue unless the church can cut a deal with Zoom for a larger webinar limit.
I have to agree with you on this. Our stake conference last week had about 550 connections. To me, if we had used zoom and reached the 500 connection limit, then that meant that everyone who tried to connect after that 500th connection couldn't. That would have been the last time I used zoom for stake conference. That is simple unacceptable.
We did our last Stake Conference with Zoom webinar and had it streaming to the church webcast service. We had a visiting general authority and it worked well.
This allowed us to have those needing Spanish translation to be on zoom webinar and select the second audio channel for Spanish, while those not needing Spanish connected to the church webcast service. We had 685 connections on the church webcast service.
This worked really well. only thing I didn't care for was that the zoom to church webcast connection puts the zoom logo in the bottom right of the screen, but that is tolerable .
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Webcast portal shortcut on android

Post by murphywe »

With the new updates I've now noticed that when I create a shortcut on members android phones from the URL below it creates a default shortcut to a default URL. It gives an error of "Were sorry that URL is not recognized" and asks for event code and you cannot go anywhere else. Previously I could navigate to this URL:

http://mywebcast.churchofjesuschrist.or ... bertastake

I could then add a shortcut to the android desktop and it would keep this url, this takes them to the recuring list of events in their stake and they simply select the ward they want to watch. Could this be fixed?

P.S. the URL is still active and works you just have to get there via a more lengthy process.

Apple iOS is the same.
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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by lajackson »

A word of warning. I thought we had a 15 minute post roll with stake conference. The Church webcast system cut us off around seven minutes today, right in the middle of one of the finest closing prayers I have heard at a stake conference in years. My phone lit up from quite a number of the nearly 800 members who were still connected.
Granted, it was my fault that I was so busy trying to manage the Zoom webinar that I forgot to extend the webcast time. But hey, even sacrament meetings get a 10 minute post roll. [Edit for future reference: it is 5 minutes not 10.]

Lesson learned: Extend the meeting so that it ends within the regular broadcast time. Do not count on any promised extra minutes.
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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by sbradshaw »

lajackson wrote:A word of warning. I thought we had a 15 minute post roll with stake conference. The Church webcast system cut us off around seven minutes today, right in the middle of one of the finest closing prayers I have heard at a stake conference in years. My phone lit up from quite a number of the nearly 800 members who were still connected.
At least it didn't end right after "we'll now turn the time over to Elder ____ for some closing remarks." :)
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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by danpass »

lajackson wrote:A word of warning. I thought we had a 15 minute post roll with stake conference. The Church webcast system cut us off around seven minutes today
Same thing happened to us a couple of weeks ago with one of our stake conference sessions. In our case the meeting had just ended, about seven minutes after the scheduled end time. I was just about stop streaming in OBS, when it got cut off from the server side.
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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by lajackson »

lajackson wrote:A word of warning. I thought we had a 15 minute post roll with stake conference.
And I thought wrong. I was going through some notes this morning, The post roll is five (5) minutes for both stake conferences and sacrament meeting. I have not been able to find the original notice (it is here at the Forum somewhere). The only difference is the pre-roll times.

Live Event Buffer Times:
Sacrament 20 min pre and 5 min post
Stake Conf 45 min pre and 5 min post

So the moral of the story is:
Check your notes more often or otherwise find out for certain.
If you are not singing at 5 til the end, you had better extend.
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Re: Changes to Webcast buffering times

Post by russellhltn »

lajackson wrote:I have not been able to find the original notice (it is here at the Forum somewhere).
It's an attachment to the first post in this thread.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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