Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by aebrown »

caustin7024 wrote:I just moved out of the Bishopric and into HP Group Leader, but I cannot move families into my quorum for home teaching purposes. What am I missing?
You can't do anything to affect what quorum a household appears under if they have not been assigned a home teacher. If that's what you're asking, then you're just out of luck at this point.

However, you can assign any household to be home taught by any companionship. See this post for steps (and you may want to review the ensuing discussion for some background and additional explanations). That will allow you to move any household into a companionship that reports to the HP Group.
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by mevans »

russellhltn wrote:
caustin7024 wrote:I cannot move families into my quorum for home teaching purposes. What am I missing?
You're missing nothing. That feature doesn't exist at this time.
Are you talking about assigning families to a particular quorum for home teaching? That is possible; it's just not intuitive. Or are you talking about something else? russellhltn is usually amazingly familiar with everything, so his response that it's not possible makes me wonder if I'm misinterpreting the question.
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by eblood66 »

mevans wrote:Are you talking about assigning families to a particular quorum for home teaching? That is possible; it's just not intuitive. Or are you talking about something else? russellhltn is usually amazingly familiar with everything, so his response that it's not possible makes me wonder if I'm misinterpreting the question.
I think russellhltn means that you can't directly assign families to a particular quorum for home teaching such that they show up as unassigned in that quorum even when they don't have home teachers.

However, you can assign them to a companionship in either quorum by manually entering them (as described here). This does indirectly assign them to another quorum but only as long as they are assigned home teachers. I'm sure that's what you're referring to.

Both answers are right depending on how you look at it.
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by russellhltn »

eblood66 wrote:I think russellhltn means that you can't directly assign families to a particular quorum for home teaching such that they show up as unassigned in that quorum even when they don't have home teachers.

However, you can assign them to a companionship in either quorum by manually entering them (as described here). This does indirectly assign them to another quorum but only as long as they are assigned home teachers. I'm sure that's what you're referring to.
Both statements are correct.
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by Zeanie46 »

Will Stake Relief Society Presidents ever have access to ward visiting teaching reporting?
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by eblood66 »

Zeanie46 wrote:Will Stake Relief Society Presidents ever have access to ward visiting teaching reporting?
It seems unlikely given the first item in the LCR FAQ.
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by russellhltn »

eblood66 wrote:
Zeanie46 wrote:Will Stake Relief Society Presidents ever have access to ward visiting teaching reporting?
It seems unlikely given the first item in the LCR FAQ.
I'd suggest reviewing Handbook 2: 15.4.1 and 9.8.2. In order for the Stake Relief Society President to gain access to the VT, someone is going to have to make a good case to the Brethren as to why it's needed given the responsibilities outlined in the handbook.

The main one I see is in training ward leaders - but that sounds to me like something that would be done in a meeting with the ward leader and jointly reviewing the report. The way I read it, the Stake RS President is a trainer, not a supervisor.

As usual, local leaders hold the keys to interpreting the Handbook. If after consulting the manual they feel the Stake RS presidency needs this information, they can direct the Ward RS or a clerk to print it out for them.
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by abraves247 »

I am trying to get on the Leader and clerk resources but I get an access denied error. I am the Elder's Quorum Secretary. Should I have access to this or is it just the President/Councilors?
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by sbradshaw »

You should have access to at least some of the tools on Leader and Clerk Resources.

Is your calling recorded properly – are you listed in your calling, between the Relief Society 1st counselor and secretary, in the LDS Tools app or in the LDS.org Directory?

How recently was your calling recorded?

How are you getting to Leader and Clerk Resources – are you going through the LDS.org menu or clicking a link?

Is the LDS Account you're logging in with connected to your membership record number? (you can check at LDSAccount.LDS.org)
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Re: Ward Council Members and Presidencies Now Have Access to LCR

Post by ulaaoelua »

I am a member of the Ward Council, 1st Counselor to the Relief Society president but when I click into my Aua 3rd Ward, it says "Access Denied." Can you help me please? Thank you.

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