LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Any discussions around the Member Tools App on various mobile and electronic devices
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by rodeab »

Hello developers,

It's true that sacred funds need to be treated as such and that the Lord would inspire things for certain reasons that we don't see yet. However, this being the case, would it help to bring it back if there were more volunteer developers or is the "end of life" of such a nature that the Lord would still inspire it to be discontinued? I don't want to be like the people with the Brother of Jared who pushed for something they shouldn't have and against what the Lord has inspired, because of something nefarious (designs of wicked men) that we can not see. If it's also a matter of more volunteers helping to get it back then I would gladly put the word out there. There are people in my ward alone that have the skills.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by sbradshaw »

rodeab wrote:Hello developers,

It's true that sacred funds need to be treated as such and that the Lord would inspire things for certain reasons that we don't see yet. However, this being the case, would it help to bring it back if there were more volunteer developers or is the "end of life" of such a nature that the Lord would still inspire it to be discontinued? I don't want to be like the people with the Brother of Jared who pushed for something they shouldn't have and against what the Lord has inspired, because of something nefarious (designs of wicked men) that we can not see. If it's also a matter of more volunteers helping to get it back then I would gladly put the word out there. There are people in my ward alone that have the skills.
The Gospel Library for Windows project is always looking for additional volunteer help. I don't think LDS Tools for Windows would be considered while Gospel Library for Windows is still struggling to keep up, for lack of volunteer availability. If you know Windows developers who would be interested in helping with Church projects, send them to Gospel Library for Windows, and if they get to the point where there are more than enough volunteers for Gospel Library, then the Gospel Library for Windows team could suggest that LDS Tools be re-evaluated.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by russellhltn »

rodeab wrote:However, this being the case, would it help to bring it back if there were more volunteer developers or is the "end of life" of such a nature that the Lord would still inspire it to be discontinued?
I could be wrong, but my impression of the situation is that since LDS Tools handles confidential information, it would have to go though some kind of security testing. This is independent of development effort. There's a cost associated with that testing that the church was unwilling to fund.

The focus of things like LDS Tools seems to have always been on hand-held devices, such as smart phones. Larger devices can use the website. In the handheld market, Windows has a very small market share. And in fact, Microsoft had dropped the moble version of Windows.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by rodeab »

sbradshaw wrote: The Gospel Library for Windows project is always looking for additional volunteer help. I don't think LDS Tools for Windows would be considered while Gospel Library for Windows is still struggling to keep up, for lack of volunteer availability. If you know Windows developers who would be interested in helping with Church projects, send them to Gospel Library for Windows, and if they get to the point where there are more than enough volunteers for Gospel Library, then the Gospel Library for Windows team could suggest that LDS Tools be re-evaluated.
Hello Brother Bradshaw,

I appreciate the quick reply and the insight. That all makes sense. Where exactly would you like me to send people?

Are you one of the three main developers?
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by rodeab »

russellhltn wrote: I could be wrong, but my impression of the situation is that since LDS Tools handles confidential information, it would have to go though some kind of security testing. This is independent of development effort. There's a cost associated with that testing that the church was unwilling to fund.

The focus of things like LDS Tools seems to have always been on hand-held devices, such as smart phones. Larger devices can use the website. In the handheld market, Windows has a very small market share. And in fact, Microsoft had dropped the moble version of Windows.
Hello Russel,

thank you for that insight. Perhaps if there are enough developers at GLW there might be enough people to do what is needed to make sure the security is done properly to keep the official security test fees to a minimum. So, could it be a matter of a large donation to cover the costs of the testing? What is the price tag on something like that? Who does this "official testing"? Time frame, etc?

Yes, I saw that about windows mobile.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by sbradshaw »

rodeab wrote:I appreciate the quick reply and the insight. That all makes sense. Where exactly would you like me to send people?

Are you one of the three main developers?
This is the LDSTech project page for Gospel Library for Windows: ... jectid=157

After joining the project, volunteers can send an email to one of the project managers listed on the project page.

I'm not a developer, but I join their weekly phone call and try to help where I can.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by lessilvan »

I know I was able to get LDS tools on my surface January 2017 but had to reload my system and cannot get LDS Tools now. I know they updated it on Android, I hope it comes back to the Microsoft store soon.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by russellhltn »

lessilvan wrote:I hope it comes back to the Microsoft store soon.
Hope springs eternal, but given what what we've been told, it will not return in the foreseeable future.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by rodeab »

sbradshaw wrote: This is the LDSTech project page for Gospel Library for Windows: ... jectid=157

After joining the project, volunteers can send an email to one of the project managers listed on the project page.

I'm not a developer, but I join their weekly phone call and try to help where I can.
Thank you much for that, I will get the word out! And if you get an appropriate chance, please tell all of them thank you from me for all the hard work and making something that goes along with "a marvelous work and a wonder" as the Gospel spreads in these last days.

Thank you for your time!!!
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by eddmarkington »

Just read most of the posts. I started with a "give me, give me" question. An now I am just feeling deep gratitude for the effort given by the few for so many. To you who have helped develop all these tools, my deepest thanks!!! You have blessed my life and the lives of countless others.

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