Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by kathym »

I just, on a whim, added the Ministering Secretary calling to her Assistant Secretary position and she was able to see it. It appears that access to the Ministering is NOT available to the Assistant Secretary calling, only Ministering Secretary. Must have changed with one of the last updates.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by wfwms76 »

It is now mid-March 2019. The problem apparently still exists as I am not able to find my assigned families on LDS tools. This is supposed to be an important gospel principle. If the General Authorities have decided to eliminate this program, please let us know. The sheep are bleating in the pasture, folks.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by davesudweeks »

wfwms76 wrote:It is now mid-March 2019. The problem apparently still exists as I am not able to find my assigned families on LDS tools. This is supposed to be an important gospel principle. If the General Authorities have decided to eliminate this program, please let us know. The sheep are bleating in the pasture, folks.
You have posted on a user-to-user tech help forum. There is no guarantee that posts here will make it to the church programmers and those who direct their priorities do not visit this forum. For official support or to provide official feedback, you should provide feedback from within the app.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by jdlessley »

You can also contact your Elders Quorum presidency or Relief Society presidency, as the case may be, and ask them. One of them should have met with you to make the ministering assignments.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by lajackson »

wfwms76 wrote:This is supposed to be an important gospel principle.
It is. It is so important that the Brethren have instructed your elders quorum president to personally, or by way of a counselor, visit with members of his quorum to give them their assignments, so that the communication is certain and no one is lost due to any momentary lapse in technology, electricity, or for any other reason.

And yes, it would be nice if LDS Tools on iOS could be fixed. So as davesudweeks said, send feedback. Or, heaven forbid, I could loan you my Android device.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by dbollard99 »

I cannot see mine now, along with several other people in the ward.... IOs, and Android.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by davesudweeks »

dbollard99 wrote:I cannot see mine now, along with several other people in the ward.... IOs, and Android.
Sundays appear to be difficult days for the church servers. If you try to sync on a Sunday and the server is bogged down, it appears that there can be varied and unexpected results (which could include the ministering information not pulling in properly). I recommend you sync again on Monday or Tuesday and see if the problem is from overloaded servers. If you still don't have ministering information then, the next best step is to send feedback from within the Member Tools application.

There is also the possibility that those who don't have ministering information are running older, unsupported versions of iOS or Android. There is no workaround for that, as far as I know, short of updating the OS or replacing the device if an OS update is not an option. This condition controlled by Apple and Google, not the church.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by russellhltn »

davesudweeks wrote:There is also the possibility that those who don't have ministering information are running older, unsupported versions of iOS or Android.
As far as I know, those versions will not sync at all and will be completely dead.

I think overloaded servers is the most likely issue.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by dbollard99 »

davesudweeks wrote:
dbollard99 wrote:I cannot see mine now, along with several other people in the ward.... IOs, and Android.
Sundays appear to be difficult days for the church servers. If you try to sync on a Sunday and the server is bogged down, it appears that there can be varied and unexpected results (which could include the ministering information not pulling in properly). I recommend you sync again on Monday or Tuesday and see if the problem is from overloaded servers. If you still don't have ministering information then, the next best step is to send feedback from within the Member Tools application.

There is also the possibility that those who don't have ministering information are running older, unsupported versions of iOS or Android. There is no workaround for that, as far as I know, short of updating the OS or replacing the device if an OS update is not an option. This condition controlled by Apple and Google, not the church.
By the way, it works fine now. Can't remember if I re-synced or not, but it magically appeared again in LDS Tools.
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Re: Cannot see my ministering assignment or see who my minster is on LDS Tools - iOS

Post by kungfuyoda2015 »

I don't like being online anyway. I wish we could go back to a time where no cell phones or computers or online banking or online tithing even existed. This technology makes things very unpleasant and I rather go to my church leaders to find out my info. Sorry to say LDS Tools is not workable! They keep changing and making things impossible to find. That is why I hardly log on here anymore. What is the use? You make it impossible to find anything. SO as far as I am concerned I don't have a legit account on here. It is incomplete. People who work tech, needs to realize we don't have your mind or set up in your mind of what you think this site should display and how. You don't even have a contact to fix this. So what do I do? Ask my leaders to remove my account online and keep it offline like I wanted in the first place? I would love that! I don't even have a legit device to check anyway. I have to borrow someone else's and it is not easy to go there and log in and find nothing and waste both of our times. So unless they fix this. I am afraid that is what I will suggest they do. They either will or will not. I will ask if I can have an account without being online. That would be my number one choice. :roll:

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