Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report? Accuracy

Post by rwardell »

I took the training pretty much as soon as I was notified about it being available. I have an email from August 18th stating that I have completed the training. When reviewing the report with the Stake President today I see that I am listed as overdue. Are the early bird folks out of luck and need to retake the course for it to be added since the reporting was added? Has anyone else seen this issue?
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report? Accuracy

Post by davesudweeks »

rwardell wrote:I took the training pretty much as soon as I was notified about it being available. I have an email from August 18th stating that I have completed the training. When reviewing the report with the Stake President today I see that I am listed as overdue. Are the early bird folks out of luck and need to retake the course for it to be added since the reporting was added? Has anyone else seen this issue?
We have had this issue in our ward. I advised members affected to provide feedback to see if they can re-link the training to their membership record (I don't know what the processes are behind this). No one has reported a response to said feedback and most are going ahead and taking it again. Most say it only takes 15 minutes even if you are a slow reader.

Even though the report says "overdue" everyone is given 30 days to complete it and since it was not released until late August they are technically not "overdue" just yet. If you took everyone out of their callings and recalled them again (not recommended), they would all show "not started" instead of overdue.
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by chriswoodut »

I had a member say she received an email from the church that she needed to log back in to get the system to flag the training as done. She did so and had me check if it was showing up completed -- which it was. So, sounds like there may be an effort to clean up straggler/missing completions. OR, I misunderstood what she was talking about. :)
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by wstillwell »

Training was supposed to be done by today but there is still no report to see who has done it and has not done it.
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by wrigjef »

There is a report but only those in certain callings can see it.
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by wstillwell »

OK, I am Sunday School secretary, and was told to make sure those that didn't take it take it. I'll have to ask if anyone in the clerks office can see it.
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by wrigjef »

I can see it (Executive Secretary), I know the Ward Clerk can see it, the Bishop sees everything. Our Bishop has me contacting auxiliaries.
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by stewartville »

I completed my YPT the day it came out, August 16th, have a screenshot of proof but it still isn't showing up that I did it on the list. How can that be fixed?
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by jdlessley »

The easiest way is to take 15 minutes and do it again. The harder and longer road involves having the clerk contact the Global Service Department to see what they can do.
JD Lessley
Have you tried finding your answer on the ChurchofJesusChrist.org Help Center or Tech Wiki?
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Re: Where is the Youth Protection Training Report?

Post by brucederrick »

We continue to have a few members who complete the training yet do not receive registered credit. Drilling down on the most recent incident with a very savvy computer user...
- I have explicitly confirmed that they are seeing the expected "Thank you for completing this training" screen (content and format is identical to what I see when I successfully complete the course and receive registered credit).
- The only missing element is they don't receive a confirmation of completion email.

Given the number of individuals just within our ward that have reported completing the training but not successfully registering on the system as completed...I would have expected the Church to have more formal help or forum on this topic. Especially in light of the BSA liability issues the protection training has to be treated as a very high priority for the Church.

FYI: I submitted a webpage "Feedback" request last week requesting that Primary, YW and Sunday School presidencies be allowed access to the "Protecting Children & Youth Training" report on LCR to better empower timely follow up to ensure newly called members complete their training. At present the LCR privileges only allow Bishopric members access to the report.

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