Will there will be access to schedule classes at stake level?

Beta Lesson Schedules Website feedback
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Post by sharonlower »

What needs to be added is this:

NOT ALL WARDS have Ward Admin and Ward Calendars !
So the Stake Depends on me as Stake Admin to add the lessons
which now I do by hand on each Sunday with the link
that takes the lessons to the lds.org lesson site
and I have a auto email sent to each stake Member 2 days
before the lessons on that sunday

As Stake Admin I now can NOT add emails to stake members
nor can I add photos members send me from their wards
within my stake

I can not even add HC new photos within our Stake

The clerks in our ward will not be adding lessons
they don't want to so I hope I have rights
as Stake and Ward admin with our Ward calendar

Please consider all that the Stake Admin use to do in
the OLD Calendars and now we have nothing to do
but type in calendar events

Frustrating having members so nicely email me for
help and they cant or don't want to take the time
to log in to add their family photos or emails

And we have Chinese and Koream members
that need help and I can not because the rights
for me as Stake Admin for adding to their profile
has been taken away.

Lastly: How can I help anyone with new Ward calendars
if I can not see them?

Thanks Sharon
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Post by aebrown »

You cover a variety of topics in your post, even though this is a thread about class schedules in the Lesson Schedules application. If you want to discuss those other topics further, please do so in the appropriate forums.

Basically, you are asking for more power and control as a stake administrator than I think you are likely to get. There may be some adjustments to permissions, as I mention below, but the philosophy behind the new applications is to distribute the responsibility to the wards to a much larger extent than under the Classic Ward and Stake Websites.
sharonlower wrote:What needs to be added is this:

NOT ALL WARDS have Ward Admin and Ward Calendars !
So the Stake Depends on me as Stake Admin to add the lessons
which now I do by hand on each Sunday with the link
that takes the lessons to the lds.org lesson site
and I have a auto email sent to each stake Member 2 days
before the lessons on that sunday

Wards administer lessons, not the stake. If the bishop thinks its important to have lesson schedules online, he'll ask his ward clerk or another administrator to add them.
sharonlower wrote:As Stake Admin I now can NOT add emails to stake members nor can I add photos members send me from their wards within my stake

That is correct. Adding emails to stake members is considered to be a modification of the membership record (because that's actually what is happening), and thus that capability is restricted to clerks and priesthood leaders.
sharonlower wrote:I can not even add HC new photos within our Stake

Photos are administered at the ward level. There are no "HC photos" -- there are only individual photos, which will appear in a variety of places, including the stake leadership directory for members who happen to be high councilors. Because these photos are tied to an individual, not a calling, it is appropriate that they be administered at the ward level. As a stake administrator, about all you can do is to encourage ward clerks and other ward administrators to manage the photos for their members.
sharonlower wrote:The clerks in our ward will not be adding lessons
they don't want to so I hope I have rights as Stake and Ward admin with our Ward calendar

You keep mentioning lessons and calendars in the same thought. Those are separate applications. But for both of them, administration of ward lesson schedules and ward calendars happens at the ward level.

If it is important for wards to have lesson schedules, the stake president can encourage ward clerks to enter them (he can even direct them to do so). But even though you are willing to help, you can't just take over that responsibility at the stake level.
sharonlower wrote:Please consider all that the Stake Admin use to do in
the OLD Calendars and now we have nothing to do but type in calendar events

Stake Calendar administrators have more responsibilities than that (for example, managing locations, administrators, and calendars). But the responsibility is now more distributed among the wards and other leaders. Embrace the new distributed model, and you'll be happier.
sharonlower wrote:Frustrating having members so nicely email me for help and they cant or don't want to take the time to log in to add their family photos or emails
And we have Chinese and Koream members that need help and I can not because the rights for me as Stake Admin for adding to their profile has been taken away.

Kindly point them to their ward clerks for assistance in this area.
sharonlower wrote:Lastly: How can I help anyone with new Ward calendars
if I can not see them?
You will have visibility into ward calendars in the future; see Access to all Ward/Branch calendars within Stake by Stake/District leadership. In the meantime, you can help ward administrators by sitting down with them (perhaps using screen sharing software if they are some distance away) as they sign in to their account.
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Stake Access

Post by SmithonVI »

I realize that I'm coming late to this party, but I would like to add my support for future releases to include access for stake clerks to add such items as TFOT lessons and stake conference dates globally to all wards in their stake.

It would be far more efficient for me to add them once, rather than each ward add them individually.

Thanks for your consideration.
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Ability for Stake to Input Master Lesson Schedule for PH/RS

Post by sorensenbm »

I know this topic has been discussed extensively, but in our stake the stake presidency develops the lesson schedule for EQ, HP, and RS. All the wards use the same master schedule. On the old stake web site we could input a single master schedule for the stake. Now, 21 different people all have to input the same schedule! (i.e. EQ, HP, RS for each of our 7 wards). That's kind of crazy and, as you can image, it just doesn't happen. Only a handful of the leaders have input schedules. It would so much easier to do it once at the stake level. Thanks.
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Post by jdlessley »

sorensenbm wrote:All the wards use the same master schedule.
Does this take into account ward specific events such as ward conference?
sorensenbm wrote:It would so much easier to do it once at the stake level.
I would agree as long as the wards could adjust the schedule to accommodate ward specific events.
JD Lessley
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Post by jasonhyer »

jdcr256 wrote:The ability to for wards and auxiliaries to create and use a lesson schedule was the priority for the 1.0 release. The convenience of stake "trickle down" functionality is a lower priority. There is consideration and design for stake admin level functionality that is being considered for a later release.

I had to do some reflection on the lesson scheduler now that we are nearly a year down the road and unfortunately what I predicted would happen in my stake has come to pass though I underestimated the lack of participation in the lesson scheduler. With 7 wards in the stake, I have one ward that sort of uses the scheduler and that is because I helped set it up. I hope that having the new youth curriculum will prompt more wards to plan schedules in the planner but without the stake pushing reluctant wards to utilize the application and giving them direction, I'm afraid that the lesson scheduler will just be another tool that people look at and say "huh,we have that? I wonder why nothing is in it?"

Maybe if the lesson schedules were available in LDS Tools for mobile users, it might get the visibility to prompt more use.
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Post by mevans »

I would love to see Lesson Schedules for mobile devices. I think that would ultimately help drive more adoption of the tool. Rather than get off the topic in this forum, I created a thread in Mobile Applications -> Gospel Library. See Would it make sense to add lesson schedules to Gospel Library?

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