LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Any discussions around the Member Tools App on various mobile and electronic devices
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by mrnonaustralianguy »

forbushd wrote:
meridyforgot wrote:It's not the Church's fault that windows phones are dying. There are actually only a precious few of us who actually use Windows phones at all, let alone Windows 10. [emphasis added]
Actually, I think it would be a good idea to bring back LDS Tools for Windows 10. We are now at well over 1 billion Windows 10 devices, hardly a "precious few." As I had mentioned some years back, a cross-platform PWA would be a worthwhile venture since it would be work invested into all platforms.
I agree. It would be nice to have Member Tools available for Windows 10. Windows 10 is the last operating system Microsoft is releasing, and millions of people use Windows. Windows 7 is no longer supported, and Microsoft announced that as soon as all Windows operating systems before Windows 10 are no longer supported, Windows 10 will simply become Windows.

I really don’t think the Directory page on the Church website is as good as the Member Tools app. It would be very convenient to have Member Tools for Windows 10.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by garyoranzabriskie »

Yes, please bring Member Tools to Windows 10. Many of us Ward Clerks and Bishoprics, etc. use Microsoft Surface Pro tablets and appreciate the larger screen size. It is not always convenient to have to find an active hotspot or tether the Surface to my phone to access the Church website to reach the things easily found on the Android app. It is just difficult to use the small screen size on the phone. Is there any chance that the App will be ported to Windows again. I am sure there are a million potential users that would appreciate it.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by jdlessley »

garyoranzabriskie wrote:Is there any chance that the App will be ported to Windows again.
The app was developed for Windows phones which have not been produced for nearly two years. The side benefit of the app developed for Windows phones was any Windows 10 platform could run the app. Without the phone the church sponsorship was pulled and it is unlikely the app will be resurrected.
(Disclaimer: I am not a church employee and I have no inside connection or access to the ICS development roadmaps.)
JD Lessley
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by michaelajustice »

I just purchased a Microsoft Surface Pro. How can I install the Member Tools (formerly LDS Tools) app onto this computer?
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by russellhltn »

michaelajustice wrote:I just purchased a Microsoft Surface Pro. How can I install the Member Tools (formerly LDS Tools) app onto this computer?
Windows 10 isn't supported. You'd have to install a Android emulator so you can install the Android version.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by Bond007s »

If ever needed, I would be willing to work on porting Android version to Windows. I have limited Android experience developing apps with BYU-I. I was, think I still am, a beta tester for the Gospel Library app on LDS Tech. I have not been very involved in some time. This would be required to be church supported but would likely help many surface and other users as well. I have a Lenovo 2-in-1 that I could use.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by russellhltn »

Bond007s wrote:If ever needed, I would be willing to work on porting Android version to Windows.
That's appreciated, but see this post

While I'm sure development was an issue, what killed it was the work necessary to ensure it was secure enough for handling PII.

Edit: Perhaps a better plan would be to try and simplify the install of a Android emulator so end users can do it and run the approved Android version.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by davesudweeks »

I tried using a couple of android emulators on my Windows 10 computer, but was dissatisfied with the experience enough that I uninstalled them. I found them to not work well enough to be worth the trouble. Though that was a couple of years ago and my home computer is a desktop with no touch screen. Since I now own an android device that works well, I don't have the need for a windows version.
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by forbushd »

Updating this thread, I just tried installing Member Tools in the Windows 11 Subsystem for Android. The app itself installs successfully, but I receive the error "Member Tools Services are not available" when I attempt to log in. Happy to say the Sacred Music apps works perfectly in Windows 11 Subsystem for Android, though!

I followed these guides to install the Subsystem for Android on the stable release of Windows 11 and sideload apps:
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by sbradshaw »

forbushd wrote: Thu Oct 21, 2021 9:00 pm Updating this thread, I just tried installing Member Tools in the Windows 11 Subsystem for Android. The app itself installs successfully, but I receive the error "Member Tools Services are not available" when I attempt to log in. Happy to say the Sacred Music apps works perfectly in Windows 11 Subsystem for Android, though!

I followed these guides to install the Subsystem for Android on the stable release of Windows 11 and sideload apps:
Have you tried installing Gospel Library and Sacred Music from the Amazon Appstore, or have you only been sideloading?
(Member Tools isn't available on the Amazon Appstore, but the above two are.)
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.

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