End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by studerje »

100% agree. This was handled very poorly. We are scrambling as well. We were working backwards into the date they provided.
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by BrianEdwards »

We may never officially know, but given the scope and nature of the multitude of issues with Church systems over the past few weeks, I imagine that this is something that appeared unlooked-for, and the Church is trying to react the best they can. We know communication with the users (aka all of us) is always an issue, but although I'm quite disconnected from any awareness of the specifics, what I've seen in the Forum and elsewhere leads me to believe that it's more than simply "poor management". For example, MLS was unceremoniously discontinued this week without any prior notice, much earlier than anticipated. Obviously MLS isn't key functionality anymore like webcasting still is, but I believe it's a symptom of the underlying nature of what's occurred.

That said, I sympathize with your pain. We have a visiting general authority for our Stake Conference next weekend, and these issues are causing a lot of (unexpected) grief and stress for those involved. Which thankfully doesn't include me...
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by awev »

About a month ago I was not able to log into the financial section of LCR, and the clerk computer wanted to restart because of a windoze update, so it was bad all around. Now with MLS not being an option to enter in-person donations, I can foresee problems, and with two people needing to be present to do in-person donations, that does require some manpower to ensure it is up and running on a Sunday. Looking at LCR I see we can not submit our quarterly reports right now. That requires some resources as well. General Conference is over, so webcasting takes a lower propriety at this time. At this point I expect that we will receive one more official letter about this, and that will be how to de-commission the equipment and ensure that it does not pose any security threats (they can update the firewall rules, so that is something we do not have to worry about).
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by benturley »

I’ve made some improvements to the RTMP to Zoom relay, publishing it now as a public web service. For anyone wanting to stream from a Teradek to Zoom (without needing a computer with Zoom), you’re welcome to try this solution out. It should also work with other sources that can publish to RTMP(S) like OBS. It’s still considered “beta”, but I’ve been testing with a few people and have received good feedback while ironing out the issues.

To try it out, visit https://stream2meeting.com

Pricing right now essentially reflects the AWS cost to run it, though the price for non-church usage will likely increase in the future. Feedback is welcome at support@stream2meeting.com. Thanks!
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by lajackson »

A Notice at the Official Communication Library dated today reminds that the Webcast system, including the Webcast Portal, will go away in July as previously announced. July 1st, to be exact.

I was tickled that the Notice also included a link to the Meetinghouse Virtual Meeting Wiki page that will provide "self-support content on transitioning from Webcast to Zoom" for those who may not have made the switch as of yet.

"Self-support" reminds me of something that happened in 2004 as we were switching from MIS/FIS to MLS. Of course, MLS is gone now, as well, at least in the U.S. according to word of mouth. I think.

I guess I will always have trouble with the 1 Corinthians 14:8 part of all of this. Refreshingly, the Notice today does not fall into that category. I am almost able to sense the excitement of the person who wrote it.
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by awev »

I was a fairly new member of the church when they where using MIS/FIS, so I never got to see that. MLS was established, yet improvements and features where still being added when I was first called as an assistant clerk for membership. Now days as a branch clerk I am discouraged from using MLS, everything is expected to be done on-line. I am no longer able to use MLS to enter donations on Sundays, I am required to go online to do so, even if the servers are down :( . So the word of mouth is correct, and I find it easier to transfer member records online, that way I don't have to connect, download updates, read important communications that are not, enter the information without real-time checking/feedback, and then transmit the information, and finish up by backing up everything to a thumb drive.

As to the official July 1st disconnect I think people have felt that it has happened un-officially before the April General Conference. I do not know if a band-aid was put on it and made to work for the rest of this month or not. My stake pretty much said near the start of this year that we are doing live, in-person, only, and if there is an exception, it would be an area 70 doing a regional broadcast, and even then everyone would be expected at the stake center to watch the televised 70 speak.

COVID-19 and webcasting has been a learning experience. It is at a point that my branch president and I are able to stream a sacrament service without much difficulty, as long as hearing a speaker clearly is not a requirement. I am able to get RS and EQ meeting going on Zoom with little problems nowadays. Still have the problem in our rural community of poor DLS service, so you can not have the kids to join Primary in one room, expect YM/YW to Zoom in a second room, while mom attends RS in a third room, and day is part of the EQ in the tool shed. People in our branch just do not have the bandwidth for that. If nothing else COVID-19 has been a great teacher in time and resource management, along with team building (figuring out schedules, helping each other understand how to use the technology, etc).
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by strj500 »

Just became aware of this transistion/letter today I believe, I guess I should visit the tech forum more often.

It mentions that the webcast system is being shut down. Is it a requirement that we move from other systems we may using which aren't webcast?

I've been using OBS and YouTube for some time for our Sacrament meeting broadcasts.

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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by Wattsuk »

Yep, you can carry on with OBS to YouTube.
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by Reynolds88 »

With the end of the webcast system and the webcast.churchofjesuschrist.org site no longer available, is there a way to access the reports from the last quarter (April, May, & June)?

Thanks, Doug

Doug Reynolds
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Re: End of Webcasting in July 2022: Please transition to Zoom

Post by lajackson »

I doubt it. Last I checked the website had completely gone away and could not be accessed late in the evening of June 30th.

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