Patriarchal Blessing

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Patriarchal Blessing

Post by kmalone-p40 »

I have a member who has lost their copy of the blessing.

How does one get a new copy?
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Post by russellhltn »

Eric Werny-p40
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Thanks for posting this

Post by Eric Werny-p40 »

I had lost mine, and this gave me an opportunity to get a copy. I miss reading it.
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Post by FltWilliam-p40 »

Good answer from RussellHtln. I have a question /comment. A couple of years ago as ward clerk I was asked this question several times from members wanting to know how to get copies of their blessings that they had lost. I told them I would find out and I went through the hand books and FAQ. We didn't have all the awesome online info then that we do now. I wasn't able to find anything so in frustration I went to our Stake Patriarch who conveniently lives in our ward and I asked him what the procedure was. He said to direct the members to him because he had a form that he filled out and sent in for them. Do you know if this is still the case? Should I still direct members who have lost their blessings to him or should I give them the info in your link? Thanks
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Post by lajackson »

FltWilliam wrote:Should I still direct members who have lost their blessings to him or should I give them the info in your link? Thanks
Give them the link and let them go directly to Church Headquarters.
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Post by opee »

The neat thing with this service also is that you can request the blessings of your ancestors. If you have ancestors that received blessings, it is neat to read what their promises were.
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Post by russellhltn »

FltWilliam wrote:Should I still direct members who have lost their blessings to him or should I give them the info in your link?
You might want to call him up and ask him. My feeling is that I'd direct them to the link so as not to bother the Patriarch. But then again, maybe he wants to be bothered or there's something better about what you'd get from him.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Post by lajackson »

RussellHltn wrote:My feeling is that I'd direct them to the link so as not to bother the Patriarch. But then again, maybe he wants to be bothered or there's something better about what you'd get from him.

Aside from the fact that the patriarch may want company, unless the blessing was given recently, patriarchs send the official copies of their blessings to CHQ on a regular basis and do not keep copies of them after CHQ verifies that they have received them.

So, unless it was a blessing given within the last year or less, the patriarch probably will not even have a copy of it.
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Post by cannona-p40 »

lajackson wrote:Aside from the fact that the patriarch may want company, unless the blessing was given recently, patriarchs send the official copies of their blessings to CHQ on a regular basis and do not keep copies of them after CHQ verifies that they have received them.
Can anyone confirm this? I was told by a patriarch back in 2002 that he still had a copy of every blessing he ever gave. He had been a patriarch since at least the early 90's, probably longer.
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Post by lajackson »

cannona wrote:Can anyone confirm this? I was told by a patriarch back in 2002 that he still had a copy of every blessing he ever gave. He had been a patriarch since at least the early 90's, probably longer.
Patriarchs are instructed to send all of their blessing to Church Headquarters annually, so that they can be recorded and safely kept there and are available to copy when needed.

I have never known a patriarch to keep a copy of all of the blessings he has given, but I suppose he could if he wanted to. According to the handbook, though, CHQ is the official repository of all patriarchal blessings that are given by ordained stake patriarchs.

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