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Church AV content - multi-lingual

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:29 am
by greenwoodkl
Just a quick question - When the Church posts or broadcasts content in multiple languages, is there a way to dynamically choose tracks. Example - I was looking at a Relief Society video presented at Conference time on Several of the interviews in the video were done in Spanish, French, and other languages with English voice-over. Can an audio file have voice-over in all applicable languages and dynamically turn on/off the appropriate tracks depending on the locale of the end-user? If a Spanish user watches the video, they'll hear the interviews in Spanish in the voice of the native speaker and other languages will have a Spanish voice-over. Thoughts? Ideas?

Side thought - I suppose it's easier to have everything in English for General Conference for those in the Conference Center, but I'm curious why we don't allow the international speakers to speak in their native tongue (in which they can more fully express themselves) with some English translation at least for the archival. Then those users in the speaker's native tongue can feel more connected and it will feel more International.

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:54 pm
by russellhltn
kgthunder wrote:Just a quick question - When the Church posts or broadcasts content in multiple languages, is there a way to dynamically choose tracks.
As far as satellite broadcasts, the church controls the configuration of the receiver. I think the default is one channel is English, the other is Spanish. If your receiver has been configured with additional outputs, then they are assigned. I'm not sure if it's still true, but at one time languages were assigned in pairs.

General Authorities actually speak on their native languages

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:11 pm
by ejcosta
As a church interpreter, I can tell you about my experience in this field:

General Authorities who wish to speak in their native language during General Conference, can actually do so. What happens in that they pre-record their talk in their native language and the church then broadcasts the pre-recording via satellite on the appropriate channel, at the same time they are speaking in english at the Conference Center.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:14 am
by greenwoodkl
Thanks for the insight into the pre-recorded native speaking. I guess the idea I had on my initial post was a question of whether the online content or DVD content of a particular video or conference does or could allow non-English clips (such as interviews) to be played in the native language when viewed in those languages and only voice-over when necessary? Are there technologies out there to help with this content or would/does it require a manual process to edit the media?