Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

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Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by Michael_Newman »

Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food and commodity order.

I have been asked to assist in locating a sample detailed menu form for a few single senior adults to aid them in pre-planning 3 meals a day for the two-week commodity order from the bishop's storehouse.

The actual bishop's food order form which the Relief Society President has may have general guidelines on the amount of each commodity that can be ordered at one time, but I am confident there is a written sample printed form to plan the 42 meals over the two-week period.

There may be thousands of generic forms on the internet, but I am reaching out to LDS members who may lead me to use an LDS form or a generic that is approved.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by Michael_Newman »

Still need help on this.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by russellhltn »

The long silence may suggest that no such thing exists. Or, at least the community hasn't seen one.

If your bishop needs help, he can contact the stake president. The stake president can contact the area authority.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by drepouille »

Your stake may have a Provident Living Specialist called, who may be able to assist with this need.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by atrubnikov »

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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by russellhltn »

That's listed as being a training form. Yes, page 2 does have a layout for planning a menu. My guess is that the OP was looking for actual suggestions (e.g. Pancakes for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, etc.) I know I'd find it much easier to start with an idea and adjust to taste than to start with a blank canvas.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by Michael_Newman »

My guess is that the OP was looking for actual suggestions (e.g. Pancakes for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, etc.) I know I'd find it much easier to start with an idea and adjust to taste than to start with a blank canvas.
Yes, that is correct. My list of families to help has grown since I asked these questions. They are asking, "Is there a sample 2-week 3/meals per day menu that my children and I can look at?"

Such as . . . for single mom and two teenagers:

Monday morning:
6 eggs
8 oz of bacon
12 oz orange juice
12 oz milk
3 slices of toast
1 tablespoon butter or margerine

Tuesday Morning:
15 oz of cold cereal
32 oz milk
12 oz orange juice
24 oz hot chocolate

Wednesday Morning
20 oz cooked oatmeal
12 oz orange juice
12 oz milk
24 oz hot chocolate

Thursday Morning
12 oz orange juice
12 oz milk

Surely there are sample menus. Asking the stake rep or stake president should be the last thing to consider, since there are thousands of smart minds here.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by lajackson »

Michael_Newman wrote:Surely there are sample menus. Asking the stake rep or stake president should be the last thing to consider, since there are thousands of smart minds here.
You may be interested in enlisting the talents of your Relief Society president. Ours is always involved with families needing assistance, and when she notices a trend, guess what comes up as a topic in the extra RS meetings?

Her insight would work just as well for a family not receiving assistance and who is trying to live providently.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by Michael_Newman »

You may be interested in enlisting the talents of your Relief Society president.
Yes, she has been asking me for samples. Every family we know generally works off of a planned menu. But none of them have a sample pdf or web link that can be edited to help others adjust a 2 week planned menu.
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Re: Need Detailed Sample Menu for 2-week bishop food order

Post by davesudweeks »

I would recommend your RS President provide this. If she needs assistance, she can reach out to the Stake RS President. With the varied dietary needs of individuals (especially many seniors) I doubt any "generic" plan would work anyway. A generic plan would have to be tailored to each individual so I doubt that it will save any time over building one from scratch for each specific member.

My wife used to do a monthly meal plan for our large family using plain paper (folded and then flattened back out to make a small square for each day). It was very easy to do as she would list the meals for each day and then build a monthly shopping list from the meal list. One could do the same with a copy of a monthly calendar.

Each head of house would be best suited to ascertain the amount of food their family needs.

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