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Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:04 am
by bps22
Two suggestions:

1) the pictures on the Gospel LIbrary app that are in the lessons no longer allow you to enlarge them when you click on them. I need this for teaching.
2) I want to be able to highlight in the side window that shows up when you click on a scripture in a lesson.


Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 1:13 pm
by lajackson
bps22 wrote:Two suggestions:
This is a user-to-user forum, and app developer sightings here are infrequent. But if you will send your excellent suggestions through Feedback in the GL app, the developers will see them.

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:16 am
by sbradshaw
Do you have an example of an image that's not enlarging when you tap on it? I was able to tap to enlarge some images.
What version of Gospel Library are you running, and on what platform (iOS, Android, Windows 10)?

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 6:54 pm
by Benjiiro
Probably unlikely but I was wondering if we could integrate having a feature that would enable someone to start a fresh set of markings and notes within the Gospel Library but still all be linked to your account. Along the same lines as if you bought a brand new set of scriptures. You have the old notes and markings but in a different set.

It would be especially useful for people that are taking CES courses or serving missions. Also, I've been using the app pretty much since it came out and my 10 year old self marked things that aren't that useful.

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:29 pm
by JudyWeber
Make margins on the sides of the scriptures and conf issues. Its nice to use notes for longer notes but being able to write on the margins without having to click on notes would be so great.

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 9:43 pm
by robsabey
As a Gospel Library App User, I would like the ability to create a clear "Layer" over the scriptures in the App so that whenever I want to study a specific topic, rather than having to purchase yet another paperback Book of Mormon, I can have a layer for only that topic and this would allow me to mark scriptures on the Layer, rather than directly on the scriptures themselves.

Given, I want to study a new topic
When I open the Scriptures in the Library App
Then I can create a new layer on which to mark scriptures that I feel are relevant to my study topic rather than directly on the scriptures themselves

Given I want to mark scriptures for my study topic
When I create a new "Layer"
Then I can choose the universal marking style for that Layer (color, and block or underline) and all scriptures for that layer will be marked with the universal marking style I choose

Given I want to study a different topic and mark the scriptures just for that topic
When I access the scriptures in the App
Then I can create a new Layer with it's own universal marking style

Given I want to read my scriptures without the marked scriptures for my study topic
When I access the scriptures in the App
Then I can hide the layer

Given I want to read my scriptures with scriptures from one or more of my Layers showing
When I access the scriptures in the App
Then I can unhide the layers for as many of the layers for which I want the marked scriptures to appear as I read.

Given I have been asked to give a lesson or talk on one of the topics I have studied
When I access the scriptures in the App
Then I can chose for that topic's Layer to be displayed over the scriptures so I can see the marked scriptures for that topic to help me prepare my lessonl/talk

Given I want to see all of my Layers
When I have accessed the scriptures in the App
Then I can navigate to a drop-down control that lists all of my saved topic Layers

Given I want to select Layers to hide and Layers to show
When I am looking at the drop-down control that lists all of my saved topic layers
Then I can check or uncheck Layers for which I want the topic(s) marked scriptures to display or be hidden

Given I want my Layer to synchronize across all my devices and the Church website
When I make a change on one device or on the Church website
Then I will see that change synced on my other devices and on the Church website

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:25 am
by davesudweeks
@robsaby, you have obviously put a lot of thought into your study desires. As posts to this forum will likely never make it to those who direct the programmer's priorities, I suggest you send it to the feedback email for the app itself. I don't see an email for the iOS version, but for the Android version the public email posted on the google play store is:

I'm sure if you are on iOS, they can forward your request to the correct team.

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 11:31 am
by robsabey

Thanks for your reply. Yes, after I posted my feature request I saw where someone else was told the same thing. I didn't realize this was for users only and that the developers didn't venture here much. So, I went into the App and found the feedback link and posted my request there. It has been accepted and will be reviewed for inclusion in the App. I really hope they do add this. The whole trying to remember what marking style I chose for a certain topic is getting old.

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2021 11:26 pm
by Tivalee
I was wondering if when you try to define a word it not only uses what’s online but if it’s also in the topical guide we could use that too. So we can get the internet and the scripture definition. Even when it’s not highlighted. (:

Re: Gospel Library App Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 12:12 pm
by calebtshelton
Hey! I love the highlighting and note tools, but I often wish I could take several separated sections from the text and make it into a note. For instance, on the Title Page of the Book of Mormon, I would want to highlight the verse like this:

"And now, if there are faults they are the mistakes of men; wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless at the judgment-seat of Christ."

In the current version, I would have to make two separate highlights to put "condemn not" and "that ye may be found spotless" together. If there another way I could make that into one highlight (so I don't have to put two notes into my "All Notes" section)?

I think this would be a good edit because then I could relate specific separate parts of the text together in an easier way.