Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Any discussions around the Gospel Living App on various mobile devices.
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Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by BEWilson »

Will there be an option to log in to the Gospel Living app for Desktop or through a web app? We have a lot of youth without mobile devices as parents choose not to buy them for 11-15 yr olds. Even some of our 16+ do not have them. It would be great if they had another way to access the app and information. We also have unique situation with a lot of youth attending who are not currently members of the Church and would like to be included. Will there be a future option to allow them access through email invite or other means?

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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by mrnonaustralianguy »

I don’t think anyone who would have that information is really looking at this forum. Maybe ask your question in the in-app feedback?
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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by russellhltn »

According to You Asked, We Listened. Here's What's Coming in Gospel Living, the ability to add non-members will be coming, but that's been on the list since February.

No idea if a web version is in the plans.
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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by ortonro »

These two functions would be very helpful.
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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by esmeet »

I echo these suggestion and have requested a web app version multiple times for this same reason: too many of our children and youth have no access to smartphones and other devices that can access the app. If we had a web app, people could access the Gospel Living app from any device that can access the Internet.
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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by andlewis »

Just wondering if there's any updates on this?
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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app

Post by justme »

I'm not begging for this app, but if the Church really wants us to use it, I'll totally use it and promote it to the best of my ability. I'm pretty sure the General Authorities know better than me (us) what the Church needs. But I do have to say that if the Gospel Living Circles messaging is ONLY available on SMARTPHONES, that will absolutely leave many youth out, and that in and of itself is more than enough reason for wards and branches everywhere to skip right over it and use other messaging tools (you know...all the stuff the Church wanted us to use less of by adopting Circles). And truly, I would get my family switched over to Circles TODAY if there was a web app for it, and I would promote it in Ward Council over and over till it stuck. But with no access except by smartphone, it's simply not going to be adopted hardly anywhere. It's just not.

So having said all that...what is the update? Why haven't we seen a web app version when tons of people have been begging for it and the need and justification (not the least of which is likely the survival or death of Gospel Living and Circles messaging) is patently obvious?

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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by caballeroc »

A web app would be a big help. More youth would have access. I also find that my computer is how I mainly communicate since I can get texts and email from it. It is just when I want to use circles that I find myself looking around for my phone. If whoever is in charge of this can make this happen, Circles could really take hold. Thank you for the phone app, we do use it and like it!
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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app

Post by esmeet »

justme wrote: Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:36 pm ... if the Gospel Living Circles messaging is ONLY available on SMARTPHONES, that will absolutely leave many youth out, and that in and of itself is more than enough reason for wards and branches everywhere to skip right over it and use other messaging tools (you know...all the stuff the Church wanted us to use less of by adopting Circles). And truly, I would get my family switched over to Circles TODAY if there was a web app for it, and I would promote it in Ward Council over and over till it stuck. But with no access except by smartphone, it's simply not going to be adopted hardly anywhere. It's just not.
I share these same sentiments. I'm in a position within my ward to get every youth, adult leader, and parent using Gospel Living and Circles, but I can't push for it when there's no way for many of our youth to access the app. I have shared this concern since Day 1 on the in-app feedback function, and I'm really disappointed we haven't seen a web app or Gospel Living menu within the Church's website. -- Instead, our kids turn to Discord, Reddit, Groupme, and other forums for communicating, which leaves them exposed to a lot of other content. In addition, they miss out on the other benefits the Gospel Living app offers (e.g., content related to the Goals and Children and Youth program).

This seems like a 100% obvious need that would dramatically change the adoption rate for this app, so why is there still no web app?
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Re: Gospel Living web app or desktop app and potential for non-member access

Post by ssheahan »

You can download the app to Chromebooks through the Google Play Store.

Also can add the ios App to MacOS.

Also you can use an Android Emulator or add the Android App to the WSL for Windows 11.

All good options to get this on computers.

See the attached photo for the chromebook access.

We are starting to use this in our ward.
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