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Scheduling Privilege Alternative

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:15 pm
by taylorglad
Does anyone have an effective way of letting ward clerks or secretaries schedule Zoom meetings on behalf of the bishop?

I'm aware that the Schedule Privilege option (Settings, Meetings, Other) does not let you add accounts outside of the account.
And host keys are only helpful once a meeting has started, not with scheduling.

Is anyone successfully using third party plugins with shared Outlook/Google accounts to make a nice workflow for this?
What does that look like?


Re: Scheduling Privilege Alternative

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:20 pm
by russellhltn
I guess my question is who is entrusted with the login for zoom? I'm not aware of any directive that only the bishop can have the login, but that could be something the local leaders have come up with.

Re: Scheduling Privilege Alternative

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2022 11:31 pm
by taylorglad
The Bishop was just used to a particular workflow with his BYU account, and was wondering if something similar was easy.
But if most people are simply sharing the account login among the clerks, then he has no complaints with that.