error in access to account

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error in access to account


Post by PaulofBenjamin »

I can log into my account. once I am logged in I try to access youth training video for my new calling. but this error comes up "In order to have this training recorded, you need to have your Church Account linked with your membership record number (MRN). If your membership record number is displaying correctly in your Church Account settings there may be a system issue preventing you from accessing the training."
I have the correct membership number entered. and again, I am already logged into my account. we got with the clerk and from his home he was able to play the video just fine from his laptop with my same info. so we tried it with different devices, data instead of wifi etc. same issue every time from our end. help?
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Re: error in access to account


Post by caillines »

Is there a possibility that have multiple church accounts, one with your membership number and one without?
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Re: error in access to account


Post by BrianEdwards »

Your clerk can provide you with the number to call the Global Service Desk. I know that others have posted in the Forum with similar account issues, and once they get in touch with Church Support, it seems to almost always be related to what callines describes. And it's super quick for GSD to resolve this.
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