Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

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Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by jimlaudie »

Anyone else seeing this for Android? It's not for all calls from my ward list. But several...I don't know if these folks have different visibility settings or what could be causing it. When they call me from their cell, the ID on my phone shows it as being from the first name alphabetically in our ward list. But the phone number they're calling from actually lines up with their own name in the list. Any insights or suggestions? Is this the same issue as the caller ID for Tools just doesn't work for Android? And if so, any rumors on when/if this will be fixed? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by russellhltn »

jimlaudie wrote: Thu Jan 04, 2024 11:56 am But the phone number they're calling from actually lines up with their own name in the list.
Does the listing include the area code?

I know my caller ID for incoming calls includes the country code (+1 for the US), but the Tools rarely has that. I do wonder what Tools does to try and match the Caller ID with the listings.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by rogerpackham »

This is happening for our ward too. Some other members have been confused when getting calls - the name that appears on the caller ID is not right. I agree with the previous comment - the name that shows up is the alphabetically first person in another ward in the stake. Happens on my phone and others' phones. I sent in a feedback bug report in the app on my phone...
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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by jimlaudie »

@russellhltn - it does include the area code and country code.

So to be clear: call comes in from +1 435-xxx-xxxx. The xxx-xxxx is the name of John Doe in the ward list-correctly. But the name that pops in my caller ID is Sally Appleseed because her last name is first alphabetically in the ward list. I don't have John Doe or Sally Appleseed in my contacts so it's not coming from my phone...has to be coming from Tools. Sally Appleseed has a different number in the list when I look in tools: 801-abc-defg.

@rogerpackham - I'm surprised if this isn't happening elsewhere. But I'm also equally surprised not to see more chatter about it on this forum.
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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by davesudweeks »

jimlaudie wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:28 pm I'm surprised if this isn't happening elsewhere. But I'm also equally surprised not to see more chatter about it on this forum.
Caller ID has never worked for me on Android (for Member Tools - only if they were already in my Android contacts list) so perhaps the reason you don't see more chatter is because it is a new development...
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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by russellhltn »

jimlaudie wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:28 pm So to be clear: call comes in from +1 435-xxx-xxxx. The xxx-xxxx is the name of John Doe in the ward list-correctly. But the name that pops in my caller ID is Sally Appleseed because her last name is first alphabetically in the ward list. I don't have John Doe or Sally Appleseed in my contacts so it's not coming from my phone...has to be coming from Tools. Sally Appleseed has a different number in the list when I look in tools: 801-abc-defg.
I'm hearing two issues:
1) The system isn't matching the phone number. It might be because John Doe's is listed as only a 7-digit number (If I'm reading your statement correctly.)
2) Upon failure to match the number (or maybe because it's only a partial match), the system returns the first name in the list.

I personally don't get that many calls on my phone from ward members, so I'm unable to confirm any of it. If you have not already, I would report it via the in-app feedback.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by mdigi »

When I installed Member Tools (then LDS Tools) ~12 years ago on my Samsung Note 2 (Android), all incoming calls were matched against both my local phone contacts and the members of my Stake (via LDS Tools app). I thought it was a super helpful/useful feature. After a couple months, incoming calls were only being matched against my local contacts. I reinstalled LDS Tools and the behavior was the same: no more caller-id name lookup unless I had the name and number in my phone's directory of contacts. I inquired about the feature change, but don't recall what the response was (it seems like I was asked to reinstall the app again, which I did to no avail)

Since that time, I've used two other Android phones with Member Tools (Samsung Note 5 and Samsung Note 10+) and have never seen the caller-id feature work on either of them. I don't use Apple products/ can't compare how they behave.

Not having the caller-id name lookup feature seems like a regression/bug to me, but if iPhone also doesn't show it then I would suspect the feature may have been removed due to some sort of privacy concern.
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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by jimlaudie »

russellhltn wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:14 pm
jimlaudie wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:28 pm So to be clear: call comes in from +1 435-xxx-xxxx. The xxx-xxxx is the name of John Doe in the ward list-correctly. But the name that pops in my caller ID is Sally Appleseed because her last name is first alphabetically in the ward list. I don't have John Doe or Sally Appleseed in my contacts so it's not coming from my phone...has to be coming from Tools. Sally Appleseed has a different number in the list when I look in tools: 801-abc-defg.
I'm hearing two issues:
1) The system isn't matching the phone number. It might be because John Doe's is listed as only a 7-digit number (If I'm reading your statement correctly.)
2) Upon failure to match the number (or maybe because it's only a partial match), the system returns the first name in the list.

I personally don't get that many calls on my phone from ward members, so I'm unable to confirm any of it. If you have not already, I would report it via the in-app feedback.
7-digit number is only me not showing the full thing. Both numbers have the full 10. It's weird. What I need to do is find another member of my ward who is not in my phone contacts and then have them try me and vice versa. Maybe then edit their phone number in the system to remove the 3digit area code. And then see what happens.
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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by rachelcreed »

My mom has the exact same problem on her phone and so does the Bishop of my ward. Anybody found a fix for this? My mom just deleted the LDS Tools app.
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Re: Tools-when receiving a call, ID shows first name in ward list

Post by cocampbell »

Android version 10 here on Motorola g Play phone. I can confirm that the caller ID thing doesn't work correctly.
For outgoing calls using a number within the directory, it'll always show the same name no matter which number I dial.

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