how do I schedule a local broadcast?

Discussions around receiving, originating, and holding Church broadcasts and conferences in meetinghouses including schedules, setup, equipment, and support.
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how do I schedule a local broadcast?

Post by wayneag »

I was called to the branch presidency a few weeks ago and being a computer nerd, I have been tasked with consolidating schedules and broadcast notifications.

The church has a few tools that can help and I am in the process of moving us over to those tools and getting acceptance from the branch council.

Right now, we can broadcast our Sacrament meeting over Zoom so the members of the branch who attend remotely can view the meeting from home.

I am trying to get people to use the church tools and guide them into using the calendar and the broadcasts sites.

I can add an event on the calendar and link the Zoom meeting for the Sacrament service. This works well, but the missing piece is how to get the Sacrament meeting to appear on under the "Local Broadcasts" section.

Can someone help me with that? Hopefully I am explaining this right. I am not as familiar with these tools and I am learning as I go.
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Re: how do I schedule a local broadcast?

Post by russellhltn »

That's done at But you have to have the right calling for that to work.

You can find more information at ... Portal_FAQ
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: how do I schedule a local broadcast?

Post by nmecantwin73 »

Additional helpful information is found on ... pel_Stream, as well as the main Virtual Meeting Tech Wiki page ... l_Meetings.
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Re: how do I schedule a local broadcast?

Post by dave.swartz »

Meet.churchofjesuschrist will publish your zoom webinar. If your meeting is long standing ( was setup before the meet tool was deployed) then it may not pick it up your webinar and publish it. Try scheduling a new webinar and see if you can use meet to publish it.

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