Addind a non-member as a spouse

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Addind a non-member as a spouse

Post by historysteve »

Quick question that I couldn't find here or in the help section. Do I need permission to add a non-member spouse to LCR? My bishop is wanting to added it for a recently married inactive member and I want to be sure I follow protocol before I just add them.

Also, what information do I need to add a spouse of a non-member? I have name and birthdate, but do I need anything else?
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Re: Addind a non-member as a spouse

Post by russellhltn »

If permission is required, I'm pretty sure LCR will prompt you for that.

You're not adding the person as much as recording to whom the member is married to. You may need some information about the marriage. Such as the year.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Addind a non-member as a spouse

Post by garystroble »

No permission is required.

The fields for non-member spouse are name (full name if possible, maiden surname for a woman), full date of birth, location of marriage (such as city, county, state, country), complete date of marriage. Some of the fields will take partial information though it may give you a heads up error message. Some things can be left blank if the clerk has no information to put there.

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