Welcome βeta Testers!

For community testing of Clerk Resources
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by PartridgeRM »


We have some changes to announce today.

First of all, thank you very much for your diligence and effort to help us beta test Clerk Resources new functionality. Our testing of the new move records out functionality has exceeded our expectations!

Today we are beginning a new beta with new functionality. Unfortunately, this means we have to discontinue the existing beta. We had hoped to release the existing beta functionality to all units worldwide, but we have not yet received back all of the different translations of our content. We expect that we’ll be able to release it by the end of May.

About the new beta. We are excited to introduce the ability to activate and manage temple recommends using Clerk Resources. This functionality primarily affects stake users of Clerk Resources. However, ward users will see that the temple recommend-related reports have been moved to a new Temple menu.

The downside to the release of this new beta is that as we begin a new beta we rollout small and then grow larger over time. We generally have three beta phases.
  • Phase 1 is to a very small group of units. These are units tied to members of the project team, so we can quickly access and troubleshoot any major problems. This phase usually lasts three weeks. If things go well, it can be shorter.
  • Phase 2 expands to additional units numbering between 500-1000 units. Most of these are English speaking because we usually haven’t received back any translated content. This phase usually lasts between 3-4 weeks.
  • Phase 3 expands to additional units, primarily those in international Church areas. We introduce any translated content for languages which are available. This phase normally lasts 2-3 weeks.
So, today we are reducing our beta test units back to the Phase 1 group. This means that those of you who have been accessing the beta will not see the beta option in Clerk Resources until we expand back to the phase which includes your unit.

While we would love to include all beta testing units at once, experience has taught us it is wiser to prudent and start small.

Again, thank you for your testing! We really appreciate it. We will notify you when we are ready to add your unit as part of this new beta test.

The Clerk Resources Project Team
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by johnshaw »

Dear Clerk Resources Project Team,

I'm curious, why is a priority given to a function that already exists online over increased functionality. For example, I'm a stake clerk, I can do everything you mentioned above with relation to temple recommends online, but I cannot update stake callings online. It can't be all that different than what WARDS are already doing.

The logic behind the decisions is difficult to grasp IMHO, please accept the humble apology of someone so very confused by the whole process, but when are WE going to be asked what WE want in the solution? Where is the survey to stake and ward clerks gathering data about what functionality helps them and what doesn't... should the priority be given to what is being done in the field?
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by mfmohlma »

JohnShaw wrote:...I cannot update stake callings online. It can't be all that different than what WARDS are already doing.
We can't update any callings online either at the ward level. I agree it would be really nice to have.
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by jonesrk »

mfmohlma wrote:
JohnShaw wrote:...I cannot update stake callings online. It can't be all that different than what WARDS are already doing.
We can't update any callings online either at the ward level. I agree it would be really nice to have.
As far as I know when the wards can update them online the stakes will be able to as well.

We are actively working on the back-end for this feature and working with the Clerk Resources to make sure it meets their needs.

You may recall that it is on the roadmap for later this year.
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by fberghout »

Any word on an updated Clerk Beta test schedule?
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by rhwinn »

Looks like a long time since this thread has had a post. Is beta testing over? If yes, where is all the functionality on the prod lds.org site? I have tried to get a response from clerkbeta@ldschurch.org with no luck.
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by johnshaw »

message from Central Office - please hold - we're busy hastening the work
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by aebrown »

rhwinn wrote:Looks like a long time since this thread has had a post. Is beta testing over? If yes, where is all the functionality on the prod lds.org site? I have tried to get a response from clerkbeta@ldschurch.org with no luck.
This thread was referring to a version of Clerk Resources that was released many months ago. From the list of features referred to here, I would guess that it was version 2.2. You can see the release notes (if you have an appropriate calling) here.

So I would say yes, the beta testing of that particular version is over, and the functionality referred to is on the production LDS.org site.
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Re: Welcome βeta Testers!

Post by robert.reinhardt »

Just received notice that there will be a new Beta soon, going to receive that information sometime (hopefully) this week.

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