Stake leadership may subscribe to and view calendars of all

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Stake leadership may subscribe to and view calendars of all

Post by segbert »

Stake leadership may subscribe to and view calendars of all units within their stakes
I have a question about this. As a stake executive secretary, I've been testing the new beta, and I can't see how this is accomplished. Is the intention here to view only those events that have scheduled something in the building? I see the buildings listed in the beta calendar, but not the individual units. I read the quoted statement as being able to view all of the units' calendar events, regardless of whether they have reserved a room or not. I don't see how to do this in the current beta. Am I misunderstanding what I should be able to do?
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Re: Stake leadership may subscribe to and view calendars of

Post by tcole13 »

I believe that you can see the detail of the locations in all views now rather then just the Week view. I also don't see a way to access the ward calendars other then my own ward and the Stake calendars, but I did notice that I can see the building details. I can't attach a screen shot but there is now the other units in the stake events now on my calendar. This is great news!!

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