Phones and VOIP

Discussions around standard phones and phone service in meetinghouses and what the future of meetinghouse telephones should hold
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Phones and VOIP

Post by sadkdhales »

I have a Stake that is going to pilot the VOIP. But first they pilot will consist of them having no land lines for about a month. Their Stake Center sits in a canyon where cell phone service can be very sketchy. I know that if set up right on a Cell phone you can use the WIFI in the meetinghouse to get cell service. Is this a possibility with the Church wanting to go to VOIP using members Cell phones?
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Re: Phones and VOIP

Post by dustinhoopes »

How did the pilot go? I think one of the biggest waste of funds is landlines in the buildings for clerks and Bishops. Having a line in the hall or family history center makes sense.

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