How do I Delete Ward's Phone Number?

Discussions around standard phones and phone service in meetinghouses and what the future of meetinghouse telephones should hold
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How do I Delete Ward's Phone Number?

Post by mcallaghan »

The phone number on our website (and in LCR) is not in service. In fact, we don't have any working phones in our building. The bishop's phone is his mobile. I can't see anywhere in LCR or MLS that I can delete the phone number. How do I do that? Thanks.

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Re: How do I Delete Ward's Phone Number?

Post by eblood66 »

mcallaghan wrote:The phone number on our website (and in LCR) is not in service. In fact, we don't have any working phones in our building. The bishop's phone is his mobile. I can't see anywhere in LCR or MLS that I can delete the phone number. How do I do that?
I believe you need to talk to the FM group. I think they need to update the number in their database.
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Re: How do I Delete Ward's Phone Number?

Post by sbradshaw »

I think this is fixed in the unit part of the Leader and Unit Change Request through MLS.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: How do I Delete Ward's Phone Number?

Post by JeffTurgeon »

I was able to modify/change our building phone number by calling Global Service Center. One they confirmed my calling they made the change and it was updated the next day.

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