Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Discussions around the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch versions of the Gospel Library application.
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Re: Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Post by russellhltn »

dappleton09 wrote:I have a member that is running 9.x.x and l have installed an older version of Gospel Library on his device, and l can download everything. Although, l'm puzzled why l can only download General Conference talks from 2016. Nothing from 2017 or 2018 is pulling down. Any thoughts?
See Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library. That verson of GL stopped receiving content updates on March 2019.

Not sure why that affects 2017 and 2018 Conference talks unless there was a content update that caused them to be pulled and not replaced.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Post by searleml »

I just purchased an iPad 7 and when I downloaded the gospel library app it only provides the initial screen but nothing else. iOS is 13.3.1
Any way to make this work?
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Re: Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Post by ulupoi »

searleml, are you still looking for a solution? If so, could you describe the problem in more detail?
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How can I download 3.4.13?

Post by qharker »

How can I download 3.4.13?
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Re: Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Post by bgram68 »

I let my Ipad update to IPadOS 13.3.1 (which I am always reluctant to do because of this very scenario) and now I cannot get the LDS Library to work. I have deleted it a dozen times and re-installed. Re-booted the Ipad several times. It still wont work. ANy suggestions? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Post by ulupoi »

Option 1:
Go to Settings > General > iPad Storage > Library.
Tap "Offload App."
Reinstall Library, open Settings, sign into your Church account, wait for the App to sync.

If that fails try this, but be warned that if your Library app was not previously synced to your Church account, you might lose all of your notes and things. If you were properly synced, I think that you'll get all your data back, but I'm not totally sure, so there is some risk involved. Maybe someone else can comment on this.
Option 2:
Go to Settings > General > iPad Storage > Library.
Tap "Delete App."
Reinstall Library, open Settings, sign into your Church account, wait for the App to sync.
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Re: Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Post by amoako »

I cannot download the gist le library on my iPad iOS 10.2.4. Pls what should I do ?
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Re: Supported iOS versions for Gospel Library

Post by ulupoi »

amoako wrote:I cannot download the gist le library on my iPad iOS 10.2.4. Pls what should I do ?
The current version of Gospel Library is not compatible with your old iOS. To download an older version of Gospel Library onto your old iPad, you could try some of the suggestions listed on this other thread: viewtopic.php?t=32230
It's a pretty old thread, so I don't know whether it is still possible to do this. Probably worth a try, though.

First, you'll want to update your iPad as much as possible. You should be able to updates yours to iOS 10.3.4. I'm guessing that you have a 4th Generation iPad. Apple stopped supporting this model in September 2017, so it is no longer receiving security updates. That being the case, you wouldn't want to use it for anything that requires privacy or security (banking, shopping with a credit card, etc.). Unfortunately, both Apple and Android devices only get supported by their manufacturers for a limited time.

For a list of iPads with support status and final supported iOS, see this Wikipedia page:
If you decide to buy a used iPad, you'll want to check this list and be sure that you get one with lots of years of support ahead of it. New iPads start at about $320.

Of course, you can always access Church resources through the website using an Internet browser on your old iPad. In addition, in an earlier post on this thread, I listed some other alternatives, though they are not as convenient as Gospel Library.

Good luck!

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