Instructions for stake conference transmision and uploading it after it's done

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Instructions for stake conference transmision and uploading it after it's done

Post by WMARCE »

Hello. I'm stake assistant clerk. This weekend we're having our stake conference. Participants will join via Zoom and members will join via a live transmission in YouTube (we're using a licensed zoom account by the church). We have also a pre- recorded musical video where many members of the stake participate (kids, teenagers and adults). I have three questions:

1- Can the stake have a youtube account?
2- If so, can we upload the conference to youtube after we're done and make it public to everyone?
3- Can we upload the pre- recorded music video where members (kids, teenagers and adults) participate? Show we ask for permission for each of the members who participate?
4- Can we use the church name/logo?

I haven't found answers for these questions in the regular help and information.
Thanks in advance!
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Re: Instructions for stake conference transmision and uploading it after it's done

Post by russellhltn »

WMARCE wrote:1- Can the stake have a youtube account?
As far as I know, there's no problem with creating one, as long as it's approved by the stake presidency.
WMARCE wrote:2- If so, can we upload the conference to youtube after we're done and make it public to everyone?
The last guidance I've seen indicates that any recordings should be deleted right after the meeting.
WMARCE wrote:3- Can we upload the pre- recorded music video where members (kids, teenagers and adults) participate? Show we ask for permission for each of the members who participate?
There's two issues: Music copyright and getting member's permission.
See items #5 and #6 on
WMARCE wrote:4- Can we use the church name/logo?
Name, yes. Logo, no.
See 38.8.9 of the General Handbook
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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