no computer

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no computer

Post by farwest »

We just called a teacher to teach the youth that does not do computers. Any suggestions on helping them with a downloaded manual or can you pick one up at a lds distribution center? Looks like everything is pretty much online.

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Re: no computer

Post by lajackson »

farwest wrote:We just called a teacher to teach the youth that does not do computers. Any suggestions on helping them with a downloaded manual or can you pick one up at a lds distribution center? Looks like everything is pretty much online.
Yes, everything is online. Not only that, there is no manual and everything changes regularly.

I would suggest that as the teachers meet together to decide what to teach each week, someone who has access might take the assignment to print the basic materials for the teacher without access. The lesson guides can be printed off of for each topic. Make sure the person doing the downloading for the teacher understands whether the class is Sunday School, Young Women, or Young Men. They all teach similar things but use three different approaches to the various lesson guides.
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Re: no computer

Post by marianomarini »

Maybe teacher doesn't have computer but Church. He/She can use it for church calling.
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Re: no computer

Post by kellymab »

You can access dvd versions of the "Come Follow Me" videos from the distribution center and online. That would allow them to still use the media portion of the lessons.

If they don't have older conference Ensigns, they may need the conference talks printed off for them as well. "Come Follow Me" is very build your own lesson based. Use their lack of a computer to your advantage. If done properly, it will force their class to be prepared by reading conference talks before coming and will be more discussion based versus lecturing like previous lesson manuals were written.
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Re: no computer

Post by farwest »

marianomarini wrote:Maybe teacher doesn't have computer but Church. He/She can use it for church calling.
I guess I should point out this member has access at home but does not use computers for home, social or church. I personally love the direction the church is going and the access I have to lesson material at the click of the mouse but I know this person was called by inspiration and will teach and help those on the path back to our Heavenly Father.

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Re: no computer

Post by russellhltn »

I'm wondering about asking a student in her class to help her out. Kinda like the old days where a student would run the projector.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: no computer

Post by mtdlv1 »

I can't seem to figure out how to download the "Video's for Sunday School" video's. What am I missing? Can you instruct me please?

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