LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Any discussions around the Member Tools App on various mobile and electronic devices
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Re: LDS Tools Missing from Windows 10 Store

Post by forbushd »

The Windows 11 Amazon Appstore is a very small subset (about 50 apps) of the full Amazon Appstore. As a result, it is currently missing the Church's apps. I initially sideloaded using the method above. However, many apps expect the presence of the Google Play services. So it as other apps will have experience issues connecting to the Internet without them.

However, I made a discovery! The Members Tool app will work if you install Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) with Google Play Store services as described here:

The Members Tool app works if you install it via this WSA-contained Google Play Store. Everything works flawlessly using this method. I recommend this method over ADB sideloading which is clumsier and much more prone to problems.

Addendum: Apps that do not work via sideloading in ADB most likely will work by installing them via a WSA-contained Google Play Store. Everything just works. For example, Member Tools lists contact phone numbers works for phone calls. First, Member Tools will ask for permission to make phone calls. Then if I click on a phone number in the contacts, it will seamlessly start Skype. Then the native Skype app on Windows 11 will attempt to call the phone number that was passed to it from the Android app version of Member Tools. Way cool!

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