New Choir piece from Book of Mormon

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New Choir piece from Book of Mormon

Post by jonwhitcomb »

The following is a blog post giving access to a new piece of music for choir: "Come to Christ", which has its text mostly from the Book of Mormon: ... -the-word/

I offer this piece without restriction for any church or home use, and suggest it may be useful to Church choirs.

Here is the full text of "Come to Christ" (beginning with an adaptation of II Nephi 31: 20):

Press forward: Feast on the word of Christ;
Behold you shall have eternal life.
Hold to the rod: the word of God;
Behold the tree of the love of God.

We like sheep had gone astray,
to turn from every one away.
Turn again. Turn to God.

Behold my Son, my Beloved Son:
Come unto Him for eternal life.
Behold His hands, his feet and side:
For you he bled and died.

Turn to God!
Come unto Christ!
Come to Him!

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