LDS Xbox App

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LDS Xbox App

Post by tykenworthy »

I would love to see an Xbox app developed by the Church that incorporated the videos on their several YouTube channels as well as streaming support for General Conference and other open church broadcasts. I think that an app like that would be a great missionary tool, too. It would be nice to see folks seeing it in the marketplace and checking it out.

Not to mention, a SmartGlass app that would allow you to link to and read scriptures being referenced in talks or videos on your connected device. It would make for a much more interactive conference experience.

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Re: LDS Xbox App

Post by Speckled0956 »

This seems like a very interesting concept. My skeptism only comes in when you mean streaming, I doubt any live general conference or anything live in that matter will be streamed. But for watching everything else that is recorded seems like an excellent idea.
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Re: LDS Xbox App

Post by sbradshaw »

The current beta of Gospel Library for Windows 10 runs on Xbox.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: LDS Xbox App

Post by JMCudney »

I've had the application installed on my Xbox One since it's first development and loved, it with everything it allowed me to see and do. Having all of the General Conference talks available at my fingertips in a moments notice was really instrumental in my returning back to the covenant path. Unfortunately the only way I can use the Xbox app anymore is by uninstalling it and reinstalling it. I get through the sign in, and restoring session tabs, it stalls and doesnt get passed the updates.
I have restarted and reset the system several times all to no avail. The application for my chrome TV works, its just not as easy to navigate with a tv remote or all encompassing as the Xbox version, which I miss. Any ideas?
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Re: LDS Xbox App

Post by sbradshaw »

JMCudney wrote: Sun Jan 01, 2023 8:01 am I've had the application installed on my Xbox One since it's first development and loved, it with everything it allowed me to see and do. Having all of the General Conference talks available at my fingertips in a moments notice was really instrumental in my returning back to the covenant path. Unfortunately the only way I can use the Xbox app anymore is by uninstalling it and reinstalling it. I get through the sign in, and restoring session tabs, it stalls and doesnt get passed the updates.
I have restarted and reset the system several times all to no avail. The application for my chrome TV works, its just not as easy to navigate with a tv remote or all encompassing as the Xbox version, which I miss. Any ideas?
You might try posting in the Gospel Library for Windows section of the forum to see if anyone there has any ideas.
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.

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