Hope Chest

Issues related to the use and operation of FamilySearch Centers
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Hope Chest

Post by kgundy »

Every time I try to search through Hope Chest after I click on "search descendants" or "search ancestors" a window pops up that says "This person (PID) cannot be found". What am I doing wrong?
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Re: Hope Chest

Post by davesudweeks »

Are you starting with the ancestor already in the center of the Tree? Hope Chest searches from the individual at the center of the tree. Try this:
1. In your tree view, navigate back to the early 1800s (or as far as possible if it doesn't go back that far) on one of your lines.
2. Make that person the center of the tree (click their name and then select the Tree icon in the bottom bar).
3. From the Hope Chest icon, click "Search Descendants"

If you try to search ancestors, you may be in for a very long search if you have a long tree. However, you should start with a deceased person in every search since living persons reside in "private space" and may not be visible to Hope Chest.
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Re: Hope Chest

Post by pthayne »

My E-Mail address - pthayne@cisco.com will no longer work (after today). I tired to figure out how to update my hopechest E-Mail address, but couldn't figure out how to. I changed my lds.org E-Mail address, but I still get E-Mails from hopechest to my pthayne@cisco.com inbox.

Today is the last day I have access to pthayne@cisco.com. so please use paulthayne@yahoo.com to contact me.
Paul Thayne
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Re: Hope Chest

Post by davesudweeks »

pthayne wrote:My E-Mail address - pthayne@cisco.com will no longer work (after today). I tired to figure out how to update my hopechest E-Mail address, but couldn't figure out how to. I changed my lds.org E-Mail address, but I still get E-Mails from hopechest to my pthayne@cisco.com inbox.

Today is the last day I have access to pthayne@cisco.com. so please use paulthayne@yahoo.com to contact me.
Paul Thayne
Hope Chest is a third party app. Many forum members have used it (I use it regularly). However, it is unknown if the developer visits this forum. You can get contact information for the developer via the Chrome app store. It is likely that no one here will be able to assist you with your above request.
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Re: Hope Chest

Post by MTeresa »

Hello to all of you,

I have a question, could someone help me, please?

Yesterday I paid the subscription for 29.99 $, I haven't received a receive, or an email, I was thinking maybe I could change it to the 39.99 $ subscription, this way I could get more results.

When I watched some videos on Youtube with Rexburg Idaho Family Search, there were so many results on finding ancestors.

Everything is new for me.

Thank you so much :)
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Re: Hope Chest

Post by garystroble »

MTeresa wrote: Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:26 pm Hello to all of you,

I have a question, could someone help me, please?

Yesterday I paid the subscription for 29.99 $, I haven't received a receive, or an email, I was thinking maybe I could change it to the 39.99 $ subscription, this way I could get more results.

When I watched some videos on Youtube with Rexburg Idaho Family Search, there were so many results on finding ancestors.

Everything is new for me.

Thank you so much :)
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