Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

Post by ElenaDillon »

Hello, I am planning to go on a mission soon as May ends due to school. My Bishops asures me that he has already set the enrollment, but when I try to enter my recommendation is is saying I am Denide Access.
"In order to access the Missionary Online Recommendation System you must have both a valid Church Account (username and password) and a "role" in the system. If you are a prospective missionary, your bishop or branch president must initialize a recommendation for you...After you have been assigned a "role", you should be able to log in using your Church Account."
I don't know what to do about this recommendation to be sent in this month so I can prepare to go after May, can you help me please?
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

Post by sbradshaw »

ElenaDillon wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:19 pm Hello, I am planning to go on a mission soon as May ends due to school. My Bishops asures me that he has already set the enrollment, but when I try to enter my recommendation is is saying I am Denide Access.
"In order to access the Missionary Online Recommendation System you must have both a valid Church Account (username and password) and a "role" in the system. If you are a prospective missionary, your bishop or branch president must initialize a recommendation for you...After you have been assigned a "role", you should be able to log in using your Church Account."
I don't know what to do about this recommendation to be sent in this month so I can prepare to go after May, can you help me please?
Is your membership record number attached to your Church Account, at
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

Post by jonesrk »

ElenaDillon wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:19 pm Hello, I am planning to go on a mission soon as May ends due to school. My Bishops asures me that he has already set the enrollment, but when I try to enter my recommendation is is saying I am Denide Access.
"In order to access the Missionary Online Recommendation System you must have both a valid Church Account (username and password) and a "role" in the system. If you are a prospective missionary, your bishop or branch president must initialize a recommendation for you...After you have been assigned a "role", you should be able to log in using your Church Account."
I don't know what to do about this recommendation to be sent in this month so I can prepare to go after May, can you help me please?
You have another account with your MRN already attached, you'll need to use that one. You may also want to look at the PLEASE READ FIRST: Answers to Most Church Account Problems thread to merge your accounts.
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

Post by donasp »

I am the stake technology specialist and was contacted regarding a young man wanting to initiate his missionary papers. When he tries to login using MORS he gets the message "Access Denied" What should we look for to remedy this error and get him logged in?
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

Post by russellhltn »

donasp wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:02 pm I am the stake technology specialist and was contacted regarding a young man wanting to initiate his missionary papers. When he tries to login using MORS he gets the message "Access Denied" What should we look for to remedy this error and get him logged in?
Did the bishop start the process? Does the MRN of the person the bishop started match the MRN on the young man's account?
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

So we can better help you, please edit your Profile to include your general location.
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Re: Granting roles in Missionary Online Recommendation System

Post by lajackson »

russellhltn wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:31 pm Did the bishop start the process? Does the MRN of the person the bishop started match the MRN on the young man's account?
As the answer russellhltn provided implies, the bishop needs to begin the process before the system will allow the prospective missionary to sign on and begin completing the application paperwork.

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