Xerox B405 Printer on Liahona Network w/o a Wireless Adapter

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Xerox B405 Printer on Liahona Network w/o a Wireless Adapter

Post by curtigb »

We got a new Xerox B405 for our meeting house but we don’t have the wireless adapter. If it is connected to the LAN , can you still print wirelessly? I can’t find out how you do this. I can’t find from my computer or iPhone or even using the Xerox Workplace App. Is it possible ?
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Re: Xerox B405 Printer on Liahona Network w/o a Wireless Adapter

Post by Mikerowaved »

You might call Xerox support and ask them. One would assume a wired printer will accept wireless print jobs, but sometimes it's just not the case.
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Re: Xerox B405 Printer on Liahona Network w/o a Wireless Adapter

Post by russellhltn »

There's a few things at play here. I assume what you're asking is if you can print to the printer by going though Liahona to the printer's wired connection. I think you can, but that may depend on if there's any firewall settings in the meetinghouse router that blocks things going between wired and wireless.

Also, most apps aren't real happy hunting down a printer whose IP changes from week to week. I'd suggest working with the stake technology specialist to assign it a static IP using the network portal. Once it has a static IP, it should be easier to find.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: Xerox B405 Printer on Liahona Network w/o a Wireless Adapter

Post by jpjones~ogr »

I'm pretty sure our tri-ward library printer/copier is a Xerox B405, and either network access is locked out by service software settings or it came without a NIC (network/wifi board). I'm also pretty sure we can't connect a PC by USB wire either. Without a NIC, or because of service software settings, you'll probably be unable to print to it via your building LAN.

Also, Xerox toner cartridges for B405's are very high priced. Last I checked an extra life cartridge cost about $450. Our building has been using 2 to 3 toner cartridges a year. A reliable aftermarket supplier I keep using, offers their version for about $45 (yes 1/10th).

Then, after a few years toner will probably start leaking down into the paper tray.

Maybe your printer was delivered with more ability.
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Re: Xerox B405 Printer on Liahona Network w/o a Wireless Adapter

Post by drepouille »

We received a Xerox B405 MFC four years ago. I immediately ordered a wireless adapter for it, and when I installed it, I asked the STS to add its MAC address to the Liahona NoSplash list. It worked fine for a while. Then Xerox posted a major firmware update, I believe because an embedded certificate had expired. To install that firmware update, I connected the B405 to a computer using a USB cable, and downloaded the update through the computer to the B405.

Every Sunday, I login to the Admin account in the B405, and check for updates. They are not published very often, but I like to keep on top of them.

When I bought the wireless adapter, I wasn't aware that the FM had already installed a live RJ-45 in the satellite cabinet in the library, which was never used. So I moved the B405 close to that cabinet and connected a Cat-5 cable. So the B405 now has both wired and wireless connections.

The bishop and the clerk like the ability to print to the B405 from their phones, their laptops, and the clerk's computer. I enjoy printing to the B405 from my phone and laptop as well, as the EQ instructor often sends out marked-up copies of General Conference talks for lessons.
Dana Repouille, Plattsmouth, Nebraska

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