Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

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Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by eugeneolsen »

I created a player for the older Allen Protege-16 organs with a Raspberry Pi single-board computer and a MIDI cable, controlled over WiFi by a tablet.

It was recently featured in Raspberry Pi News. Here's the link: ... -organist/

The article has created some "buzz" on social media but the important thing is that further refinements may help congregations in buildings with the older model organs.

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Re: Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by russellhltn »

Nicely done!
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Re: Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by sbradshaw »

What's the process like for a user to connect the tablet to the Raspberry Pi?
Does MIDI content need to be downloaded in advance on the Raspberry Pi, or can MIDI files be downloaded to the tablet and streamed to the Raspberry Pi on demand?
I'm also curious if there's any functionality for changing the tempo, choosing which verses to sing, controlling organ stops, etc.
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Re: Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by russellhltn »

FYI, the church organs that do come with a player are thier own AP and don't connect to the church WiFi. The password for the WiFi is inside the guts of the organ, but not visible to anyone using it. I'd think that helps minimize the mischief that comes from using WiFi.
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Re: Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by sbradshaw »

russellhltn wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:06 pm FYI, the church organs that do come with a player are thier own AP and don't connect to the church WiFi. The password for the WiFi is inside the guts of the organ, but not visible to anyone using it. I'd think that helps minimize the mischief that comes from using WiFi.
I didn't realize that organs with their own player connected to the internet at all – is that for software updates from the organ manufacturer? Or for the Church to push updated MIDI files? Or both?
Samuel Bradshaw • If you desire to serve God, you are called to the work.
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Re: Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by russellhltn »

sbradshaw wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:10 pm I didn't realize that organs with their own player connected to the internet at all – is that for software updates from the organ manufacturer? Or for the Church to push updated MIDI files? Or both?
Are you asking me or Eugene? The church ones don't, but according to the article, his does.
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Re: Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by Wattsuk »

eugeneolsen wrote: Tue Aug 08, 2023 12:24 pm I created a player for the older Allen Protege-16 organs with a Raspberry Pi single-board computer and a MIDI cable, controlled over WiFi by a tablet.

It was recently featured in Raspberry Pi News. Here's the link: ... -organist/

The article has created some "buzz" on social media but the important thing is that further refinements may help congregations in buildings with the older model organs.

~Brother Olsen
Absolutely brilliant work! Half our buildings in our stake could do with this!
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Re: Player Retrofit for Older Allen Protege-16 Organs

Post by hunter111 »

This is great! Well done!
We’ve been discussing options as we will soon be without an organist.

How can I find out more? Can’t figure out if you can DM on this forum.

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