Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Using the Church Webcasting System, YouTube, etc. Including cameras and mixers.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Post by lajackson »

Mikerowaved wrote: With auto-stop enabled, you have exactly 60 seconds to restart the stream. After that, a new stream will need to be created.
Thank you, Mikerowaved. That is exactly what I needed to know.

Since I am not at the building during the webcast, and the person who is does not have access to set up a new YouTube stream, I will continue to use auto-start but leave auto-stop off in case they shut down the encoder instead of just turning off the video and sound (during the sacrament).
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Post by mrbitsch »

I've got another link where I shared what we've been doing for broadcasts, but given the topic of the thread I'll share it here again, as we've made a few changes since the handbook update talking about continuing broadcasts.

Given the language of "Both the device and the person using it should be inconspicuous." we were able to talk the FM group into running ethernet to the back of each chapel in our stake (4 buildings). We mounted a SMTAV camera in the back of each chapel these cameras are using the same optics/electronics/firmware as the PTZ Optics cameras, at half the price. We continued using the Raspberry Pi's that we had started with, and moved those into the audio cabinets so they're locked away and can't be disturbed. I created a board for tapping into the same audio feed that goes out to the "Record Out" output in the chapel.

Broadcasts themselves are automated, they start 5 min. before the meeting is scheduled to start, and go till 5 min. after. There is a simple web-page where the ward technology specialist can run the camera between presets, pause the broadcast for sacrament, and extend or stop the meeting as needed if the automated end-time isn't sufficient. This keeps the technology barrier very low for using the system, is inconspicuous as the only visible device is the small camera in the back corner of the chapel.

As an added bonus since the cameras use the NDI protocol, it's possible to use them from Zoom or other conferencing applications from a laptop if needed for other meetings.

If you'd like to see more details, this is the document I put together for the Bishoprics and Ward Technology specialists ... rQrdEHn_M/ and the broadcast automation scripts are all available on GitHub
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Post by nasgool »

Is anyone using any YouTube / broadcast automation?
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Post by nasgool »

We have something very similar. I made a Wi-Fi module for manual switching via a tiny key fob. No computer needed. Once the key fob is activated, it selects inputs on video switch to random official church media like Bible videos as no Book of Mormon videos. We use VLC web interface for media content that runs on a tiny mini pc.

The automation is all done with Powershell. The video switcher has 4 inputs but currently only use two: camera and media. I use an audio combiner for the camera video and podium audio in to an hdmi input on the video switcher. It works great. We have three wards that are automated. All that is required is the key fob. The media OSD is customized for each ward. I’m in the process of testing automated sacrament switching via the microphone drop down reed switch, the switch back to live camera by ultrasonic distance sensor mounted underneath the podium. I’m also testing podium height sensor for auto positioning the camera.

Our camera is an older one that only has a serial controller. But the mini pc was less expensive than the serial to IP controller. Now PTZ is controlled by simple web running on mini pc.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Post by mrbitsch »

nasgool wrote: Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:16 pm Is anyone using any YouTube / broadcast automation?
@nasgool see my post just above yours, we've been doing automated broadcasts with YouTube since Sacrement broadcasts were first allowed, it works pretty well. It's unfortunate that a similar system isn't available on Zoom since you don't get to see WHO's joining the YouTube broadcasts like what you get with Zoom.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Post by nasgool »

I did not see what I was looking for in your post. I have partially automated broadcast. I say particularly because each Sunday I manually create the scheduled broadcasts for all the wards for the following Sunday. On Sunday, a PowerShell script starts, stops, and monitors the remote sacrament switch, and controls the video switch.

What I would like to do is to fully automate it. I want to automate the creation of the YouTube schedule broadcasts and stream keys. It looks like it can be done via YouTube Apis. The last time I checked, there was little to no documentation on it. Manually creating the scheduled broadcast only takes a fe west minutes. But it would be nice if it could be automated.
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Re: Church Webcasts using YouTube Live Streams

Post by mrbitsch »

nasgool wrote: Tue Sep 26, 2023 8:48 pm I did not see what I was looking for in your post. I have partially automated broadcast. I say particularly because each Sunday I manually create the scheduled broadcasts for all the wards for the following Sunday. On Sunday, a PowerShell script starts, stops, and monitors the remote sacrament switch, and controls the video switch.

What I would like to do is to fully automate it. I want to automate the creation of the YouTube schedule broadcasts and stream keys. It looks like it can be done via YouTube Apis. The last time I checked, there was little to no documentation on it. Manually creating the scheduled broadcast only takes a fe west minutes. But it would be nice if it could be automated.
I'm sorry I didn't see your response earlier, I guess I forgot to set notify me on to replies. I have a github repo that contains all the python scripts I've created for automating the YouTube broadcasts for our stake these run on a Raspberry Pi setup in each building, and there's a little web page that the ward technology specialist can use to control the camera, and pause the broadcast for the Sacrament. The scripts in concert with systemd timers will start the broadcast, keep a log of the number of people watching, and then stop the broadcast at the end of the meeting, send the viewer log out to the Bishopric and membership clerk, and then setup the new broadcast for the next week.

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