Callings app or Software?

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Re: Callings app or Software?

Post by jds580s »

I created as one solution to this problem. It is essential a digital replacement for a traditional magnet board.

The way I addressed the "duplicate database" concerns raised above, along with the restrictions on transmitting sensitive member record data was to move all the data parsing to the local users browser with nothing transmitted to the website.
After the page has loaded you can even disconnect from the internet before inputting any data and work completely offline.

The disadvantage of this approach is that there is no way to save proposed changes and revisit them later, but that was the best solution I could come up with which stays within the guidelines the church has set. The website does offer the ability to print at the end of a session - either all callings, or just the changes that were made which can be helpful when issuing callings and releases, reading over the pulpit, or handing off to a membership clerk to input.
Try these free tools: - Online calendar for members to sign up and feed the missionaries in your ward. - Tool to visualize and manage callings in a ward
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Re: Callings app or Software?

Post by panacajose »

Hello, I have a problem, I lost everything at my mission address and what should I do to recover this data?

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