Rather than hijack a thread I found only somewhat related, I thought it might be best to start a new one covering some of the issues that have surfaced and how we met them, or not.
What I Did After Installation...
I haven't found a good solution to anchor the hdmi cable connected to the tv. However, I believe a Flat 90 adapter pointing down can go a long ways to decreasing stress on the hdmi jack in the tv.
(Not shown in the attached photos)
But what to do with cables that just hang down seems to work well with an extra large sticky wall hook mounted in the recess of the connector area. The cable is coiled and wrapped with a velcro one-wrap thin tie shown in the photos, then hung on the hook. Whether the velcro tie actually will get used or not is up for grabs. But at least if coiled the cable can be rehung on the hook.
What to do with the Remote...
I'm using heavy duty 2" wide velcro cut to 1" in length and attaching the felt side to the top of the back of the remote, just above the battery compartment cover. Then cut the hook side in half (a little is all it takes to hold the remote) and attach it to the right hand back side of the tv as seen in the photo.
Issues with Tv Configuration...
Still wrangling with Smart Hub thinking it knows better than I on what is appropriate to offer, display, or play in a church setting, e.g. FREE tv channels, 240 of them, and of course all the streaming services et al. I can disable the channels and delete or at least lock most all the smart hub options and remove all but desired buttons from "Home" but can't seem to find a way to prevent a user from installing an App and bypassing the safeguards.
Connection Results...
Connecting to the Tv is of course the main concern.
HDMI is a snap.
Miracast from a Windows laptop (already built-in in Windows 10) smooth and easy to use except you lose the connection if you switch the source to something else.
USB plays movies easy-peasy.
I have no Apple devices so no test results there with wired or AirPlay...yet.
Connection Issues Unresolved...
The only thing I'm struggling most with is casting from Android phones. I've followed all the instructions, to the letter. The tv shows up in the list of devices, click it to connect which it tries to do, a notice pops up on the tv screen to allow or deny connection...and then nothing. It times out and quits. Can't tell if it's a content filter or a firewall router issue that may be blocking the data traffic to connect and play.
Haven't tried yet but Bluetooth and P2P from device to tv is next on my list of things to try.
All in all, I could sure use some feedback and input from others who may have found answers/workarounds on the things we are still struggling with here or some clever ideas on what YOU did with the remote.

S Schellenberg