SMART Programs & Apps (Digital Learning - Instructional Resources)

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SMART Programs & Apps (Digital Learning - Instructional Resources)

Post by naomicarissa »

To the SMART tech people who create:
In elementary, junior high and high schools they use a variety of SMART programs which function is for interactive use for students. I'm sure many of us have thought about having such programs and devices at our fingertips. One such SMART program could be for Relief Society and Elders Quorum Presidencies to coordinate and rearrange ministering companionships and those they would visit. It would be so helpful to easily slide and move names across a large SMART board by walking up to the device using your fingertip, SmartPen or other item. Another way could be to use a SMART program/app and cast it up to a large screen where each person interacts from their own phones. This would enhance visually than only audibly pulling a name from our minds and flipping through pages. It would be wonderful to quickly see and think about who would be great with who and under who. This would be incredibly helpful to work together as presidencies and to give input and thoughts until coming to decisions. Yes, this can be done by printing out big names (twice, one for MS one for those under them), cutting them out, sticking tape or Velcro on the back and going to the church to stick on the wall or chalkboard. However, what if the names from our wards were filtered in from our TOOLS database and easily used, we would always be up-to-date as well. We could get alerts with a new move in name, etc. I would love to be part of a SMART pilot program for the church. Is there something already created that mission presidents use for missionary changes or do they do it the old fashioned paper way too? (Don't get me wrong, I love paper and love to read from a book in my hands!) There are SO many interactive ways we could get involved to make things easier as well as save time. The next time we use the SMART program/app it could just bring up the current ministering and we are set to go. No rearranging paper names again, just get started with the changes because they populate on the screen. We could have a button that resets if the changes have gone too far. All sorts of marvelous things can be done to make it easy and useful. What SMART programs have you used in the schools that we could use as an example here? What other ways could we use SMART programs for our ward leaders and members? WHO will CREATE it for us??? -THANK YOU!
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Re: SMART Programs & Apps (Digital Learning - Instructional Resources)

Post by russellhltn »

It comes when it comes. The forum is mostly other members like yourself - and none of the decision makers.

It will come when the top leadership sees it as a tool worth the millions it would take to install it at the local level for the thousands of meetinghouses. I'd expect to see it in an educational and church office applications first.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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Re: SMART Programs & Apps (Digital Learning - Instructional Resources)

Post by naomicarissa »

But, if there is already a SMART program, we could at least use that. Do you know of any SMART instructional program that would work for the purposes mentioned above, even if we typed all the names in the first go around? Do you know any tech person that looks on these boards?
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Re: SMART Programs & Apps (Digital Learning - Instructional Resources)

Post by russellhltn »

I don't know of any, but maybe other users do.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "" to the search criteria.

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