Webinar help please

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Webinar help please

Post by dlporter56 »

We have 3 techs in our ward. We change our Webinar link each quarter, I'm the one who sets up the new link. Last week was the 1st broadcast using the new link. Some people had trouble accessing the broadcast, some did not. The tech who did the broadcast arrives 5 minutes before the meeting starts. My question is this- Did I miss something in the Webinar setup this time that would allow people to log in even though the tech hadn't logged in yet? Is it the waiting room? We didn't have this problem the 1st quarter. I also know I saw somewhere how to create a template of a setup that you know worked, can't find that now. Should've done that with the 1st quarter setup. I will once I get this quarter right. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Webinar help please

Post by russellhltn »

dlporter56 wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:40 am My question is this- Did I miss something in the Webinar setup this time that would allow people to log in even though the tech hadn't logged in yet?
I do remember that is an option. I'm not sure if it's set at an event level or only at the account level for new events.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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