Marking Capabilities

Discussions about the Notes and Journal tool on This includes the Study Toolbar as well as the scriptures and other content on that is integrated with Notes and Journal.
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Post by nbflint »

I would love to see the online scriptures include marking and annotating functions, then I'd love to see Mark My Scriptures sync with it so I could carry my markings etc on my Palm and use it on the website.

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Post by blackrg »

mkmurray wrote:I see the potential for a solution that handles both. The solution can have either different copies of scriptures, or one set of scriptures and you have different levels of tagging (personal, shared, global, etc.). That way you can have a personal set of notes, while also having some shared between you and your family or friend. Maybe the global sharing could become argumentative and controversial. But I do think it would be neat to start a scripture study with a buddy where you have a topic of focus or something.
I agree. In place of shared though, maybe an option to select groups of people you would like to share it with like (family, local institute group, friends, etc.). Something like this was an idea my brother came up with and has been kicking around with me for a year or so now. We both feel it would be a great resource and idea. Sooner or later, I'm sure someone is going to do it. Given that it's something that really should be a nonprofit idea and available to all though, it would be nice if the Church did it. If the Church did it, that could also serve as motivation for them to get several other resources easily available and linked in such as the institute manuals. Also, if the Church is doing it, there won't be concerns over the use of the Church's copyrighted material either.

There are many spiritual thoughts that probably aren't suitable for public sharing, but I can think of several things that would be suitable for public sharing such as the history behind certain events. For individuals who are aware of some of this, it would be nice if they could share it. Personally, I've found the key to understanding a lot of the more obscure Old Testament passages is to understand the history to which they refer - something that isn't common knowledge these days like it was back then.
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Post by Dallas-p40 »

I have been thinking about this idea for a very long time and have been seriously contemplating developing my own web app and hosting it to provide not only the marking, notes, and URL cross reference capability, but also book-marking etc. I agree that it would be much better to build this into

There definitely needs to be a way to personalize the scriptures and to securely store one's personal information in the web app's database. Would not be too dissimilar to how this blogging web-site works. All of these comments and links have to be stored somewhere! ;)
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Post by bhofmann »

Dallas wrote:I have been thinking about this idea for a very long time and have been seriously contemplating developing my own web app and hosting it to provide not only the marking, notes, and URL cross reference capability, but also book-marking etc. I agree that it would be much better to build this into

There definitely needs to be a way to personalize the scriptures and to securely store one's personal information in the web app's database. Would not be too dissimilar to how this blogging web-site works. All of these comments and links have to be stored somewhere! ;)
You might want to chime in on this thread. Members of the forum are starting a community project to develop an application very similar to what you described here.
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Re: Marking Capabilities

Post by shannonmichelledale »

I never know which conference talks I have listened to, especially as I go back and listen again with my family. It would be great to have a way of ticking the ones I have watched
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Re: Marking Capabilities

Post by Cmanrogers »

I don't know about the website, but the Gospel Library app has study plans that you can make for a certain general conference or standard work.
Christian Rogers

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