Portable audio for a care center branch

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Portable audio for a care center branch

Post by koaks »

Each Sunday we convert part of an assisted living / care center lunch room into a chapel and hold a sacrament meeting. We have been using a 'Anchor Ensign TL-2A' that is a combination pulpit and audio system that fits the need really well, however it is starting to have issues and the FM group has not been able to have it repaired. The issue is too much volume and it powers off, and has to be reset.

I would like to find a replacement. We need it to be:

- Portable. Where it can be placed on a tabletop for use and then moved back onto a cart for storage
- We need to be able to connect a wireless microphone so members in wheelchairs can participate from their wheelchairs
- It needs to be loud enough that old ears can hear. The room is approximately 40 feet by 40 feet and often has background noise we need to overcome

what are you using or what other options are available to fit this need?
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Re: Portable audio for a care center branch

Post by russellhltn »

Does FM have any options for replacement? Anchor Audio is still around, but I'm not seeing anything like that in their current catalog. You may have to go with a separate podium and a standalone audio system rather than a fully integrated solution.
Have you searched the Help Center? Try doing a Google search and adding "site:churchofjesuschrist.org/help" to the search criteria.

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